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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Everyone Should Appreciate Their Good Health While They Have It

Everyone Should Appreciate Their Good Health While They Have It

Henry Cohen, Staff Writer April 5, 2017
While this should serve as an important reminder to remain hygienic and avoid contracting the flu, it should also serve as an opportunity for those of us with good health to appreciate the faculties that good health provides.
Staff Rants March 29 - April 4

Staff Rants March 29 – April 4

WSN Staff April 3, 2017
Welcome to another edition of Staff Rants! Our staff is excited to be angry about people, places and things!
The Best Food Is Under Five Dollars

The Best Food Is Under Five Dollars

Thomas Price, Opinion Editor April 3, 2017
Although expensive restaurants abound in New York City, the best food the city has to offer lies in its hot dog carts, bagel shops and pizza places and costs under five dollars.
Educators Should Encourage a More Empathetic Understanding of History

Educators Should Encourage a More Empathetic Understanding of History

Henry Cohen, Staff Writer March 22, 2017
On the contrary, in seeing these historical figures as only names in a textbook we forget that they were real flesh-and-blood people with fears and aspirations, and knowing this can only enhance our understanding of the past.
Smartphones Are The Newest Drug For Students

Smartphones Are The Newest Drug For Students

Adryan Barlia, Contributing Writer March 20, 2017
Almost all NYU students can agree that being on their smartphones is perhaps a more appealing option than sitting on a desk working on assignments for hours on end, which is similar mentality that comes into play with drugs.
Stop Using the Oxford Comma

Stop Using the Oxford Comma

Emma Rudd, Deputy Opinion Editor March 20, 2017
The Oxford Comma is an unnecessary embellishment and should only be required when the original message of the text is already ambiguous.
Alternative Breaks Encourage Valuable Service and Growth

Alternative Breaks Encourage Valuable Service and Growth

Laura Shkouratoff, Creative Director March 20, 2017
The NYU Alternative Breaks program, provides countless benefits to both participants and the communities that student-volunteers serve.
At a university as large as NYU, we have a responsibility to combat climate change to the best of our abilities. This should be a top-down and bottom-up effort for everybody at the university — from students simply turning off lights to the university utilizing sustainable resources and alternatives.

Universities Need to Work to Reduce Climate Change

WSN Editorial Board March 9, 2017
With climate change's effects becoming more apparent and E.P.A. Chief Scott Pruitt's denying that climate change is tied to carbon dioxide emissions, it is now more important than ever that NYU students continue their efforts to fight climate change in any way they can.
We Need an Alternative to Alternative Breaks

We Need an Alternative to Alternative Breaks

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer March 7, 2017
Alternative Breaks are notable for sending undergraduate students all over the world to participate in volunteer activities. However, it's debatable if Alternative Breaks provides a glorified form of volunteer tourism or if the program actually benefits communities in need.
Staff Rants March 1-7

Staff Rants March 1-7

WSN Staff March 7, 2017
As we move along in our unrelenting march towards death, our lovely staff has a lot to say about pizza and bagels!
Having Opinions First Step To Change

Having Opinions First Step To Change

Thomas Price, Opinion Editor March 6, 2017
Staying informed and opinionated on the issues that directly affect the university is something worth investing the time into.
Students should learn a different language in college while they are in the proper environment to do so. In addition to the immediate gratification of a new learned skill, learning a foreign language also benefits your cognitive abilities in the future.

Everyone Should Learn a Foreign Language in College

Tommy Collison, Staff Writer March 6, 2017
Given the unique environment that is a student’s four years at university, and the huge benefits of being bilingual or even trilingual, students ought to take as many foreign language classes as their four-year plan allows.