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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A group of protesters stand in front of Bobst Library holding purple signs with the words “SWAN HAS THE POWER. WHAT KIND OF POWER? UNION POWER!”

Guest Essay: Why NYU RAs are unionizing

Emma Burstein and Sasha DuBose are members of Students Workers At NYU.
Emma Burstein and Sasha DuBose April 26, 2024

Guest essays reflect opinions from writers beyond WSN. If you’d like to submit a guest essay for consideration, please email [email protected]. Resident assistants, like...

A screenshot shared over Twitter titled: "'clear language on slavery' resources provided by nyu residential life." The information was shared during a RA training meeting. (Photo by Sean Nesmith)

NYU RAs Attend Training With Controversial Resources

One image used in the training originated in a Twitter thread that referenced slaves as hostages and slave catchers as police officers.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy Managing Editor September 28, 2020

NYU Resident Assistants were called into a meeting on Sept. 23, the same day a Kentucky grand jury declined to indict officers Jonathan Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove and Brett Hankinson...

The facade of Rubin Residence Hall. (Photo by Alana Beyer)

Housing Costs Increase Across the Board This Year

NYU’s residence halls will cost over $400 more for the 2019-2020 school year.
Sebastian Golden, Contributing Writer September 4, 2019

Students will have to shell out a little more money if they are living in university housing this upcoming academic year, as almost all residence hall costs have gone up. NYU...

Steinhardt sophomore Ainura Kudaibergen holds her vlog camera and a YouTube-branded notebook, which she fills with video ideas. She has been posting to YouTube since 2012. (Photo by Katie Peurrung)


Joel Lee, Under the Arch Deputy Editor March 4, 2019

NYU Housing Options

NYU Housing Options

Sam Klein, Managing Editor February 21, 2019

More Feces and Urine Discovered In Broome Residence Hall

More Feces and Urine Discovered In Broome Residence Hall

Natasha Roy, Managing Editor-at-Large March 30, 2018
After discovering more improper disposal of feces and urine in Broome Street Residential College, the Office of Residential Life and Housing Services has threatened strict disciplinary action, including possible expulsion.
Operation ID is a free program that allows people to register their valuable items so they can be returned if misplaced or stolen. NYPD and NYU Public Safety hosted an Operation ID event at Founders Hall on April 18 to get students to sign up.

NYPD and Public Safety Host #OperationID at Founders

Herman Lee, Staff Writer April 18, 2017
NYPD hosted #OperationID at Founders Residence Hall on Tuesday, April 18 to help students register their valuables.
Graphic by Tinkerbell

Living in Astor Place cube isn’t for squares

April 1, 2014
NYU Residential Life and Housing Services will open the Astor Place Cube as a freshman residence hall for the 2014-2015 school year.