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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Huiyi Chen projects images of cells and the universe onto her face during her performance piece “Fast-forward Life.” (Photo courtesy of Huiyi Chen)

Huiyi Chen, Art in Isolation and Digital Empathy

The ITP-based creator uses digital installations to help people connect with one another and process the current pandemic.
Ashley Wu, Deputy Arts Editor, Deputy Arts Editor April 24, 2020

Huiyi Chen is a self-proclaimed cyborg. The installation artist and research resident at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) has always had a fascination with...

NYC Public Schools Are Failing English Language Learners

NYC Public Schools Are Failing English Language Learners

As the New York City public school system has transitioned completely to remote learning, they have abandoned struggling English language learning students and immigrant families who lack digital literacy.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor April 24, 2020

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, New York City public schools have transitioned to remote learning for the duration of the school year. For many students who are immigrants...

A final vision of Stacy’s map that reflects the first impression he hopes to subject players before. (Photo courtesy of Paris Stacy)

Paris Stacy, Player Agency and Art Against the Odds

The Tisch game designer has continued to refine his game project even after contracting the coronavirus.
Nicolas Pedrero-Setzer, Music Editor, Music Editor April 24, 2020

A funny dynamic arises in the relationship between the fact that a video game level presents players with the liberty to go about solving it all the while purposefully concealing...

Survivors of Abuse Are Not Safe in Quarantine

Survivors of Abuse Are Not Safe in Quarantine

As New York has issued stay-at-home orders, it has simultaneously endangered survivors of domestic violence, trapping them at home with no means of escape. The government needs to take urgent action to protect survivors, not subject them to more trauma.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor April 10, 2020

Content warning: this article contains mentions of domestic violence. The coronavirus pandemic and government-imposed lockdowns have made surviving increasingly difficult and...

Restaurants Need More Relief

Restaurants Need More Relief

If small restaurants are going to survive the pandemic, they’ll need more financial relief from the federal and state governments.
Gabby Lozano, Deputy Opinion Editor April 1, 2020

Because of the spread of COVID-19, government leaders like New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo have enacted social distancing measures to protect people from contracting the virus....

The Urgency of Housing Justice During the Pandemic

The Urgency of Housing Justice During the Pandemic

New York has done little to address the grave concerns of renters and homeowners as COVID-19 ravages the state. There is an urgent need for the government to protect New Yorkers by instituting immediate rent, mortgage and utility payment suspension.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor March 27, 2020

As New York has become the epicenter of the global coronavirus pandemic — accounting for 5% of global cases — Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been grossly overselling his own efforts...

Hofstetter reflects on her bangs days after cutting them. She has decided on a positive outlook, though dislikes the negative perception of her mental health. (Staff photo by Abby Hofstetter)

Yes, I Got Quarantine Bangs

No, I did not cut them myself.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor March 26, 2020

Let me preface this by saying that I did not cut my own hair. I’ve wanted bangs for a while. Actually, I’m not sure if I wanted bangs as much as I was curious to see what...

The Exploitation of Prisoners During Crisis

The Exploitation of Prisoners During Crisis

As the coronavirus spreads across the state, New York is shifting the responsibility of combating the outbreak onto incarcerated people and is paying them around 60 cents an hour to do it.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor March 13, 2020

New York State is in the middle of a grave public health crisis, with the second-highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country. The way that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s...

Ai Weiwei’s piece, Two Figures, is a life-size work of a plaster-cast man and wife lying on a mattress, with a pile of red seeds surrounding the man’s head. This was used as a reference to the Tang Dynasty poem, Love Seeds, which inspired the title of the exhibit. (Photo by Alexandra Bentzien)

Faurschou Foundation Fosters Global Connection

The newest Faurschou expansion in New York features a fascinating new group exhibition.
Alexandra Bentzien, Staff Writer March 9, 2020

Nestled in a sidestreet of Brooklyn’s Greenpoint neighborhood is the sleek and modern Faurschou Foundation, an art gallery currently home to the group exhibition The Red Bean...

Alex Brown Church, better known as Sea Wolf, is an NYU alum and Los Angeles based indie folk musician. After 6 years since his last album “Song Spells, No. 1: Cedarsmoke," he has just released "Through A Dark Wood," a record which is, in his word, "catharsis." (Photo courtesy of Shane McCauley)

NYU Alum Previews Poignant New Album

Alex Brown Church, better known as Sea Wolf, takes us in and out of the dark forest in his latest artistic endeavor.
Nico Pedrero-Setzer, Music Editor March 9, 2020

Lost in a Dantesque forest forged from the fires of breakup, anxiety about the state of the nation and absolute confusion about his life’s trajectory, Alex Brown Church confesses...

Student dancers performing “cellE.K.T SocieT.Y.” Second Avenue Dance Company’s March Concert “Investigating the We” enables choreographers to shine a spotlight on prevailing issues through dance and movement. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Tisch Dance Program Students Call for Societal Change

Second Avenue Dance Company’s March concert “Investigating the WE” featured student-choreographed dances and community engagement projects.
Sasha Cohen, Performing Arts Editor March 9, 2020

Excited supporters holding bouquets of roses anxiously awaited Tisch’s Second Avenue Dance Company’s March concert to begin. The concert, “Investigating the WE,” provided...

Facebook’s Need for Reform

Facebook’s Need for Reform

Facebook’s refusal to take a firm stance against misleading and fake news on their platform has long been controversial. Their recent decision to allow advertisements for the bail bond industry is definitive evidence that they need to fundamentally restructure their policy.
Mitch Bedows, Staff Writer February 28, 2020

Facebook’s history of manipulation with public-interest censorship on their platform, the world’s largest social network, is no longer a secret. Unfolding dramatically over...