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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Trump, China and North Korea: A Raw Deal

Trump, China and North Korea: A Raw Deal

Anand Balaji, Staff Writer April 24, 2017
These actions were both done in retaliation against an increasingly aggressive North Korea that has conducted several missile launches and a public assassination in Malaysia since Trump took office. However Trump’s response has done nothing to improve the safety of the region and instead seriously undermines one of his core campaign promises: holding China accountable on free trade.

Redefining Dropouts from NYU

Adriana Tapia, Contributing Writer October 28, 2016

While NYU students flock to NYU from all corners of the world, they also leave for a myriad of reasons, from financial constraints to pursuing other life objectives. WSN reached...

‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Aren’t Helping Anyone

‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Aren’t Helping Anyone

Melanie Pineda, Staff Writer October 17, 2016
Sure, social media helps us connect to a worldwide audience far quicker and easier than any other platform, but thoughts and prayers don’t mean much if they reach those in actual need too late.
Exposure | Iceland

Exposure | Iceland

Sarah Park September 27, 2016
I traveled to Iceland: a rare, ethereal, and mysterious beauty I had always wanted to visit.
Brazilian Machismo Still Running Rampant Post-Impeachment

Brazilian Machismo Still Running Rampant Post-Impeachment

Cara Zambrano, Contributing Writer September 12, 2016
From the moment Rousseff reached the presidency, her decisions were always influenced by men.
Amid claims that NYU does not foster an inclusive environment for people of color, a new lawsuit against the university claims that an employee faced discrimination in his time here.

Tax Returns Snafu Hits International Students with Fees

Kati Garrity, Staff Writer March 25, 2016
NYU is among various colleges at which international students have yet to receive their tax returns.
The Zika virus is transmitted to people through mosquito bites.

NYUAD students win award for shocking mosquito-killing development

Thomas Peracchio, Staff Writer October 30, 2015
NYU Abu Dhabi students won an international prize for their invention that could help prevent diseases spread by mosquitos.
The Pop Up Gallery, one of the flagship events for the NYU
World Tour, features an assortment of artwork created by the NYU community.

Around the world in three days with NYU’s world tour

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer October 29, 2015
NYU celebrates multiculturalism this week with multiple events around campus.
International clubs at NYU

International clubs at NYU

WSN Staff October 19, 2015
Members of NYU's international community often find a home away from home in one of the university's many cultural clubs.

Visas, Testing and Culture Shock: The International Experience

Alanna Bayarin, Assistant Managing Editor October 19, 2015
A look inside the international experience at NYU.

[UPDATE] NYU student to be released by North Korea

Marita Vlachou, Deputy Managing Editor October 5, 2015

UPDATE [Oct. 5, 11:46 p.m.]: NYU spokesperson John Beckman said the university is relieved to hear the good news of Joo's release. "He and his family have been in our thoughts,"...

The trouble with returning

The trouble with returning

Isabelle Galet-Lalande, Contributing Writer December 1, 2014

This article comes from the Global Desk, a collaboration between The Gazelle, WSN and On Century Avenue. Read more by searching ‘global.’ This is a personal essay. New...