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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

LGBTQ Events Are Not a Security Threat

LGBTQ Events Are Not a Security Threat

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer November 28, 2017
Turkey's recent ban on LGBTQ-related events, which celebrates nothing but positivity, is a short-sighted move that will drag Turkey’s human rights progress years behind
Pay Attention to Foreign Affairs

Pay Attention to Foreign Affairs

Paola Nagovitch, Deputy Opinion Editor November 27, 2017
While it is understandable to only follow the international coverage that explicitly correlates to American news, we cannot simply rely on blissful ignorance of world affairs.
Dinuguan a traditional Filipino pork dish typically served with rice cakes. A dish of NYU students searching for a taste of home. (via

NY-Untraditional Thanksgivings

Laura Rubio, Staff Writer November 20, 2017
Every family has its own way of celebrating Thanksgiving.
Universities Should Do More to Integrate International Students

Universities Should Do More to Integrate International Students

WSN Editorial Board November 15, 2017
Now, more than ever, universities must make an effort to welcome and integrate its international students into the university’s community.
Will the Visa Suspension Between the U.S. and Turkey End?

Will the Visa Suspension Between the U.S. and Turkey End?

Anonymous October 17, 2017
For the first time in their diplomatic history, the United States and Turkey have mutually suspended all non-immigrant visa applications such as diplomatic, travel, commerce, employment and even student visas. I heard this news from someone very close to me back in Turkey. I did not want believe it.
International Students Deserve to Vote

International Students Deserve to Vote

Giovanna Trabasso, Contributing Writer October 16, 2017
For a country that prides itself on being a melting pot of opportunities it would only seem natural for international students, the leaders of the future general, to be allowed a say about those that will be making decisions about the places they chose to live in.
Elon Musk’s Global Spaceship Is Impressive, But Unrealistic

Elon Musk’s Global Spaceship Is Impressive, But Unrealistic

Adryan Barlia, Deputy Opinion Editor October 2, 2017
From electric cars to underground roadway systems to the colonization of Mars, Elon Musk has set his mind to the most ambitious and exciting ideas of the modern age, with his most high-reaching idea yet — international travel space ships.
India Floods: Déjà vu

India Floods: Déjà vu

Apurva Kothari, Contributing Writer September 21, 2017
1985, 2005, 2017: This is neither the first time torrential rains derailed the lives of a million Indians nor will it be the last.
United Airlines may have a bad reputation lately, but their airplane food is among the best.

Highs and Lows of International Airline Food

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief September 7, 2017
International flying can already be a pain being strapped into your seat for 10 plus hours, but how does the food fare while being 30,000 feet up in the air?
International Student Space Is a Good Initiative

International Student Space Is a Good Initiative

WSN Editorial Board September 6, 2017
While the International Student Space is a step in the right direction, there is still a long path that NYU must follow to make international students feel more accommodated at the university and in the United States.
This summer, the Center for Student Life opened the International Student Center, where international students can meet, connect and learn about new resources.

International Safe Space Opens in Kimmel

Adriana Tapia, Deputy News Editor September 5, 2017
A space for the NYU international community just opened in Kimmel.
Strike on Syria Was Good Move for United States

Strike on Syria Was Good Move for United States

Graziella Pastor, Contributing Writer April 24, 2017
The political and economic repercussions of the Syrian military strike prove Trump's quick acting was very advantageous for the United States.