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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Geopolitics Matters to Us All

Geopolitics Matters to Us All

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer April 3, 2018
If you look beyond domestic politics, you will realize that geopolitical tensions between U.S. and China put NYU international students at risk.
International Students Deserve to Vote

International Students Deserve to Vote

Giovanna Trabasso, Contributing Writer October 16, 2017
For a country that prides itself on being a melting pot of opportunities it would only seem natural for international students, the leaders of the future general, to be allowed a say about those that will be making decisions about the places they chose to live in.
This summer, the Center for Student Life opened the International Student Center, where international students can meet, connect and learn about new resources.

International Safe Space Opens in Kimmel

Adriana Tapia, Deputy News Editor September 5, 2017
A space for the NYU international community just opened in Kimmel.
International students face many more hardships when adjusting after winter break. (Photo by Polina Buchak)

International Students: What I Wish I Knew Before NYU

Tiffanie Hwang, Contributing writer February 6, 2017
Hear what NYU international students wish they would've known about social norms and customs before coming to the United States.
International Students Should Be Engaged in American Politics

International Students Should Be Engaged in American Politics

Cara Zambrano, Staff Writer November 21, 2016
While international students are only here, theoretically, to get an education, they should be aware and critical of American politics and they should protest.
Through language and culture barriers, it’s often tough for international students to find a fitting community here at NYU.

The ESL Community of NYU

Miranda Levingston, Contributing Writer October 11, 2016

Balancing school work with extracurriculars, internships and a social life is challenging for any student during midterm season. This struggle is heightened for more than 5,000...

Promote a Global Network Without the Issues Lawsuit Spotlights

Promote a Global Network Without the Issues Lawsuit Spotlights

WSN Editorial Board October 6, 2016
Despite the Tisch Asia lawsuit and the NYU community’s legitimate concerns regarding expansion, the university’s campuses abroad are a valuable asset and should be maintained.
Stack of rocket shells destroyed by the Iron Dome

Studying Abroad 2.0

Tommy Collison, Contributing Writer October 4, 2016
International students are technically already studying abroad. These are the recollections of an Irish student studying in Tel Aviv.
Cultural Insensitivity Causes Headaches for International Students

Cultural Insensitivity Causes Headaches for International Students

Cara Zambrano, Contributing Writer September 20, 2016
There is still a strong, patronizing belief that culture considered to be mainstream only encompasses the culture of the United States, when, in reality, everybody lives in the same globalized world.
Grad Students Fleeced by ALI

Grad Students Fleeced by ALI

Phoebe Kuo, Contributing Writer September 12, 2016
Changing ALI policy during admission process without notice to applicants and admissions officers is unfair to both.
Trump’s Visa Plan Threatens NYU Indian Students

Trump’s Visa Plan Threatens NYU Indian Students

Pranati Wadhawan, Contributing Writer March 23, 2016
Trump’s proposals threatens a growing number of young Indians like myself studying in the U.S.
Language Aptitude Test Alienates International Students

Language Aptitude Test Alienates International Students

Phoebe Kuo, Contributing Writer February 2, 2016
The ALI exams are more arbitrarily evaluated than the standard TOEFL and often mandates that students take an unnecessary expensive course, placing an unfair burden on international students.