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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

An illustration of a wooden box in a park. A pair of legs with blue jeans and black Converse sneakers stands on top of the box. The box reads “WSN.”

The Soapbox: Sanctions on Russia deplete global resources

The Soapbox is a weekly column by WSN’s news desk examining the major developments in world news and rounding up the stories we think are worth the read this week. Global consciousness for a global university.
Kristian Burt, News Editor March 11, 2022

[Looking for the spring 2022 Arts Issue? Click here.] In Central Asia, migrant workers struggle to support their families Since the United States and European Union imposed sanctions...

Illustrated by Sophia Di Iorio.

Comfortably Modern

Andrew Ankersen, Voices Editor September 3, 2019

“Just remember, once the gas starts flowing, count backward from 10 nice and slowly,” the voice said.   “Ten…” His eyes darted around the room, trying to get...

Raising Gas Prices Might Be Unpopular, But It'll Fuel the Future

Raising Gas Prices Might Be Unpopular, But It’ll Fuel the Future

Akshay Prabhushankar, Deputy Opinion Editor September 7, 2016
low gas prices are not good for the future of the country — we should actually be raising them if we are to address the long-term issues of the U.S. dependence on oil.
As Uber's IPO Uber and lyft drivers are striking

NYU Encourages Students To Go Car-Free, But Most Already Do — Here’s Why

Carlos Michael Rodriguez, Staff Writer April 27, 2016
NYU pledged to go car-free for Earth Day, when almost no NYU students use or own cars.