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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The NYU Florence campus, one of NYU’s 14 global academic centers, is located at Villa La Pietra, near Florence, Italy. Students currently studying abroad at NYU Florence have been told to leave the campus by Thursday morning. (Photo by Carine Zambrano)

NYU Florence Closes Campus Following Coronavirus Surge in Italy

After a rise in coronavirus cases in northern Italy, NYU Florence has closed its campus and canceled classes for the following week, maintaining that they will resume on March 2 and continue remotely until March 29.
Lisa Cochran, News Editor February 25, 2020

Amid a coronavirus outbreak in northern Italy, NYU Florence has suddenly closed its campus, leaving students stranded as they rapidly make arrangements to leave. According to...

NYU Housing Options

NYU Housing Options

Explore NYC, study away and study abroad options that NYU Housing provides for students.
February 20, 2020

NYU Florence campus. Student talks about homesickness while studying abroad. (Photo by Zixuan Gao)

A Tale of Two Cities, but One Without Dollar Pizza

As a result of being farther from home than ever before, I've learned a lot about what homesickness means.
Anna Cuciurean-Zapan, Contributing Writer November 4, 2019

Three roller bags crashing onto the cobblestone ground, my arms flailing and me, drenched in sweat: this was my arrival at NYU Florence at the start of this semester, the fall...

A view of NYU Florence campus from Villa Natalia. (WSN File Photo)

The First Year Away

I spent my first year abroad in Paris through the Liberal Studies First-Year Away program. I called it an adventure. My brother called it a glorified holding tank.
Natalie Chinn, Under the Arch Editor May 6, 2019

The Florence skyline.

Building That Home Away From Home

Bela Kirpalani, Editor-at-Large September 18, 2018
A student reflects on her time abroad thus far and how it has taught her new things about herself.
A view of NYU Florence campus from Villa Natalia. (WSN File Photo)

My First Taste of Tuscany

Lisa Cochran, Contributing Writer September 4, 2018
After being at NYU Florence for 24 hours, here are one student's first impressions.
March for Our Lives, Florence, Italy.

NYU’s Abroad Sites Join March for Our Lives Movement

Carine Zambrano, Abroad Editor April 2, 2018
NYU students reflect on striking moments at the March For Our Lives in Florence, Madrid and Paris.
The Duomo.

Day in the Life: Florence

Carine Zambrano, Abroad Editor March 30, 2018
Did you ever wonder what is it like spending a semester at NYU Florence? Find out about a typical day at the abroad site.
The streets of Madrid where NYU students have a chance to study abroad. (Photo by Jemima McEvoy)

The Borders of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Laurie Germain, Contributing Writer March 26, 2018
NYU must better prepare students of color to navigate through the inconstant waters of studying abroad.
Exposure | A City Through Its People

Exposure | A City Through Its People

Echo Chen, Multimedia Editor February 5, 2018
People make up a city, and the people of Florence say a lot about the city's culture.
Here are a few tips for NYU students to know before going to NYU Florence. The architecture and preservation of the city is one of the highlights that make the landscape unforgettable.

Four Things I Wish NYU Told Me Before I Studied Abroad in Florence

Veronica Liow, Multimedia Abroad Editor December 1, 2017
Studying abroad in Florence next semester? Here are four things you should know before you go.
The inside of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain.

Exposure | Take Me to Church

Anna Letson, Multimedia Editor October 23, 2017
Religious buildings create a connect the dots map that shows you the spread of various religions, beliefs and empires across Europe and their lasting impacts.