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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Higher Education Needs Intervention From All Sides

Higher Education Needs Intervention From All Sides

NYU is lobbying the state government for tuition assistance — but what else can be done to aid students?
WSN Editorial Board February 25, 2019

Last week, WSN reported on NYU’s intentions to lobby for increased state funding for tuition. Considering the university’s infamously high tuition, the change would be a welcome...

Washington Square Park aerial photo. (WSN File Photo )

NYU to Lobby State Legislature for Increased Tuition Funding

The Office of Government Affairs continues to push legislatures to provide greater funding for students’ tuition, grants and more.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer February 20, 2019

NYU — which is often criticized for its high tuition and shortage of financial aid — will be lobbying at the state level to increase tuition programs. The Office of Government...

The Old Town Square in Prague, one of NYU's study abroad destinations. (via NYU Tisch)

Study Abroad Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank

A list of scholarships that can help make your study away dreams come true.
Paola Nagovitch, Contributing Writer February 8, 2019

Studying abroad is transformative, but it can also be financially stressful. If you are planning to go abroad for a semester or a whole year, you have probably chosen your location...

SLAM and NYU Divest protestors officially ended their occupation after administrators threatened disciplinary action.

Kimmel Occupation Halted After Administrators Threaten Disciplinary Action

Alex Domb, Deputy News Editor April 12, 2018
After facing threat of disciplinary action, members of NYU SLAM and NYU Divest have ended their overnight occupation of the Kimmel Center for University Life.
Alex, a Stern student, eating at a Chipotle after a recruitment interview. It was one of the handful of times last month that he ate out, citing the “caloric value” of Chipotle as an important factor in his decision.

The Specter of Student Loans

Stories from Three Individuals Facing Financial Hardship at NYU
Sayer Devlin, Managing Editor February 5, 2018

LS sophomore Gabi knew she wanted to escape the sleepy San Diego suburb of San Marcos after she graduated from high school but anticipated the financial strain it would place on...

New Scholarships Bring Hope

New Scholarships Bring Hope

WSN Editorial Board November 13, 2017
After continued crisis in Puerto Rico, President Andrew Hamilton announced this week that NYU will offer at least 50 scholarships to Puerto Ricans.
534 NYU students in coastal Texas and 60 in Louisiana live in areas directly affected by Hurricane Harvey.

NYU Unites After Hurricane Harvey

Caroline Haskins, Deputy News Editor September 5, 2017
Following Hurricane Harvey, NYU administrators and students are attempting to help students and non-students that were affected.
Thanks NYU. No, Seriously.

Thanks NYU. No, Seriously.

Katrina Fadrilan, Guest Writer April 24, 2017
It’s the very exasperation towards our unconventional school that helps identify an NYU student — as if our shared unwillingness to settle, to remain complacent and our insistence to work for more are what defines us as a community.
NYU Athletics Received $338,379 from Charity Linked to College Admissions Scandal. (Photo byAlex Muhawi-Ho)

NYU Tax Return Breakdown

Sayer Devlin and Miranda Levingston April 18, 2017
WSN broke down and extrapolated the highlights of NYU's September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015 tax return to celebrate Tax Day.
Trump’s Budget Hurts Higher Education

Trump’s Budget Hurts Higher Education

WSN Editorial Board March 20, 2017
Although President Donald Trump has claimed that he wants to help the working class and young people, his proposed budget cuts will only make higher education less affordable — especially for low-income students.
iGrade is an online service developed to guide students and their families on personal and college-related finances. NYU’s Affordability Steering Committee announced a partnership with the service on March 29.

NYU Ranks Fourth for Accepting Lower Income Students

Jemima McEvoy, News Editor January 23, 2017
A study revealed that NYU ranked fourth among other elite colleges enrolling the highest percentage of low- and middle - income students.
On Student Debt, Trump Fails

On Student Debt, Trump Fails

WSN Editorial Board November 17, 2016
Beyond damaging the atmosphere of higher education by devaluing liberal arts educations, the Trump student loan plan’s deregulation goals hit lower-income families the hardest.