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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

This NYU Student Is Fighting the Taboo Around Menstruation

This NYU Student Is Fighting the Taboo Around Menstruation

Natalia Barr, Staff Writer March 22, 2016
A new student initiative is trying to break down stereotypes around menstruation with art and humor.
Tampon Taxes Bleed Women Dry

Tampon Taxes Bleed Women Dry

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer February 12, 2016
In all but a few states, feminine hygiene products like tampons and pads are subject to sales tax, while other necessary items related to health are not. But feminine products are mandatory for most women who want to maintain good health and hygiene, and therefore must be made more affordable.
Pickup Artists Put New Sheen on Old Sexism

Pickup Artists Put New Sheen on Old Sexism

Abraham Gross, Deputy Opinion Editor February 9, 2016
Just as white nationalism is Newspeak for racism, Men’s Rights is a rebranding of misogyny, a yearning to return to a defunct status-quo.
Featuring a cast of teenagers, “Slut” is a new play which explores complex yet realistic themes and incidents which occur in a 21st century high school.

‘SLUT’ Horrifyingly Mirrors Reality

Willa Tellekson-Flash, Contributing Writer February 8, 2016
"SLUT" The Play gives a vulgar and important message about sexuality.
Body Hair on Women Not just 'Blonde or Brunette on White Skin'

Body Hair on Women Not just ‘Blonde or Brunette on White Skin’

Pragya Gianani, Staff Writer January 27, 2016
Suraiya’s apparent nonchalance at her own body hair is a state of mind most women spend years trying to achieve. Being able to see another woman comfortable with a body similar to the one they see in the mirror every single day is a luxury brown women have barely ever been afforded.
#SolidaritywithStoya, and with other sex workers

#SolidaritywithStoya, and with other sex workers

Mandy Freebairn, Staff Writer December 7, 2015
Anti-sex feminists and anti-porn Republicans alike have jumped to frame Stoya's story as emblematic of the inherent evil of sex work. To write off Stoya’s claim as just another facet of an insidious business, however, is to invalidate both her career and her alleged rape.
2015 film, “Mustang” follows five orphaned sisters living in Turkey dealing with the strict rule of their extended family members.

‘Mustang’ confronts horror of gender oppression in Turkey

Ryan Matera, Contributing Writer November 19, 2015
"Mustang" tracks the disruption of childhood when five young Turkish girls are forced into arranged marriages.

Stylish courses to spice up your semester

Medardo Perez, Contributing Writer November 16, 2015
The top spring 2016 courses for the studying fashionista.
Make me up before you go-go

Make me up before you go-go

Shreya Kaushik, Contributing Writer November 16, 2015
Not wearing lip gloss isn’t going to make me uninterested in my appearance, or a lazy slob. Women are more than the makeup they choose to wear or choose not to wear.
Sexism alive and well in U.S. politics

Sexism alive and well in U.S. politics

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer November 2, 2015
Hillary Clinton's congressional hearings revealed the ignorance that still dogs women in politics. Through the interruptions and the raised voices by the all-male interrogating committee, Clinton remained stoic.
Fight for Love with Feminist Porn

Fight for Love with Feminist Porn

Elizabeth Moore, Deputy Opinion Editor October 26, 2015
Feminist pornography is a way to bridge the gap between moral guardians and porn-lovers and combat the destructive gender roles that modern porn perpetuates.

Letter from the Editor

Audrey Deng, Arts Editor October 22, 2015
A letter from the Arts Editor about this semester's Arts Issue focus, Race.