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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Madonna Affirms That #ShesWithHer at WSP Rally

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy November 8, 2016
Madonna performed at an impromptu rally in the fountain of Washington Square Park on the eve of election day.
Tel Aviv can offer an escape from the hectic 2016 presidential election.

Tel Aviv: Some Electioneers Abroad

Tommy Collison, Contributing Writer November 8, 2016
Tommy Collison is neither a citizen nor a current resident of the United States, but he's certainly still thinking about the presidential election.
A 1998 political satire, “Bulworth” was brought back to the big screen at the Metrograph Theater as the election draws near.

‘Bulworth’ Relevant 20 Years Later

Daniella Nichinson, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
"Bulworth" might have been released in 1998, but its political satire seems eerily familiar in the context of today's presidential race.
Written and directed by Jonathan Sheldon, "Swing State" is comedy parodying the current elections.

Timely ‘Swing State’ Satirizes the Alt–Right

Anubhuti Kumar, Staff Writer November 4, 2016
If the stress of the real 2016 presidential election is getting to you, don't worry — the new film "Swing State" will let you laugh at the exact same situation, with the safety net of knowing that it's fake.
Franz Ferdinand contributed the song “Demagogue” to the “30 Songs, 30 Days” project, on its fifth day.

Pop is Putting the ‘Polis’ Back in ‘Politics’

Emily Fong, Opinion Editor October 26, 2016
The "30 Days, 30 Songs" initiative does what politics is supposed to do: make the officials that run our country and the processes surrounding their election back into a matter of public interest.
Ken Bone’s Notoriety Is Indicative of American Politics

Ken Bone’s Notoriety Is Indicative of American Politics

Melanie Pineda, Staff Writer October 19, 2016
Ken Bone, like the U.S., slowly developed into one colossal Internet joke with endless amounts of ugly history and, oddly enough, no punch line.
There Are No Facts Left to Check in 2016

There Are No Facts Left to Check in 2016

WSN Editorial Board October 17, 2016
People who are running to be the next leader of the free world should not necessitate constant fact checking — ideally, there would be some truth to the messages they espouse.
Don’t Demonize the Average American Voter

Don’t Demonize the Average American Voter

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer October 17, 2016
To vote for your own interests shouldn’t automatically make you an awful person, even if that puts you with Trump.
Milo Yiannopoulos has sparked controversy as one of the online leaders of the alt-right movement. Yiannopoulos, who had his scheduled talk at NYU canceled, is currently touring college campuses across the country.

Milo Yiannopoulos Talk Canceled Due to Security Concerns

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor October 16, 2016
NYU canceled a College Republicans talk on Nov. 17, where they planned to host British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos as part of his "Dangerous Faggot Tour."
Millennials Should Be Excited for Clinton

Millennials Should Be Excited for Clinton

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer September 26, 2016
Hillary Clinton is not Donald Trump with a few different policies and a better makeup artist. She is an intelligent, hardworking woman who has already accomplished an astonishing amount for this country, and who will continue to do so if elected president.
Tisch sophomore Jacob Iritani works extremely hard to manage a heavy course load, while also working an internship multiple days a week.

On the Job: Election Edition

Dyanna Fleites-Cruz, Contributing Writer September 23, 2016
For Tisch Sophomore Jacob Iritani, balancing an internship with his packed Film and Television course load is not an easy feat.
Does the American Election System Even Want You to Vote?

Does the American Election System Even Want You to Vote?

Sofia Pereira, Contributing Writer September 9, 2016
The voting process may be a hassle, but it is up to us as dissatisfied members of this community to elect officials who will change the system.