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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Hillary Clinton will take her sizable lead over Bernie Sanders to New York next week, where 291 delegates are up for grabs.

What You Need to Know Before Next Week’s Primary

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz April 12, 2016
Whatever your party preferences, here's what you need to know before you head to the New York presidential primaries next Tuesday.
Trump Supporters Can’t Expect Civility

Trump Supporters Can’t Expect Civility

WSN Editorial Board April 4, 2016
The nature of political discourse is inherently personal and provocative; if one contributes to the public sphere only by prodding with crude and inarticulate talking points, then they should expect that others will respond in kind.
President-elect, Donald Trump, proposed many ideas during his presidential campaign, but due to their equivocation on the major issues, here are the top 6 that will impact NYU students.

The Quiet Life of NYU’s Trump Supporters

Taylor Nicole Rogers, Staff Writer March 28, 2016
NYU student Trump supporters explain their classmates' responses to their political views.
Trump Is the Worst Candidate for Women

Trump Is the Worst Candidate for Women

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer March 23, 2016
America doesn’t need a president who resorts to name-calling and infantile insults the moment anyone disagrees with him.
Trump’s Visa Plan Threatens NYU Indian Students

Trump’s Visa Plan Threatens NYU Indian Students

Pranati Wadhawan, Contributing Writer March 23, 2016
Trump’s proposals threatens a growing number of young Indians like myself studying in the U.S.
What’s Bad for America is Bad for Journalism

What’s Bad for America is Bad for Journalism

WSN Editorial Board March 23, 2016
The rampant corporate influence on news coverage this election cycle threatens the integrity of journalism and American democracy.
Trump As the Lesser of Two Evils

Trump As the Lesser of Two Evils

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer March 21, 2016
While Trump may spout off nonsense and inspire fear and hate in his followers, he isn’t as staunchly devoted to right-wing extremism the same way that Cruz is.
Dignity Needs to Be Restored to the Presidential Campaign

Dignity Needs to Be Restored to the Presidential Campaign

Connor Borden, Contributing Writer March 9, 2016
Voters must remember that ‘presidential’ leaders do not sink to the level of their opponents but rise above the fray to set an example for the rest of the country to follow.
Trump’s Vision of America is Founded on Exclusion

Trump’s Vision of America is Founded on Exclusion

Phoebe Kuo, Contributing Writer March 8, 2016
Trump is not making America great again. Trump is dividing America by stirring hatred and racism, but we, the voters, should not be deceived by his empty promises.
Trump Attacks First Amendment Rights

Trump Attacks First Amendment Rights

Paris Martineau, Contributing Writer March 7, 2016
If Trump can attack the basis by which we define ourselves as a nation without even the slightest drop in polls, it is terrifying to imagine where the American people will draw the line, if they ever do.
Even New Jersey Is Too Good for Chris Christie

Even New Jersey Is Too Good for Chris Christie

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer March 7, 2016
Governor Chris Christie's neglect of his home-state constituents has gone on long enough.
Left to Right: Politics at NYU

Left to Right: Politics at NYU

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz February 8, 2016

Depending on who you ask, young people are either uninterested in politics, or leading a democratic revolution. According to the Pew Research Center, millennials are less interested...