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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Wasting precious grocery in a time like now is no wise option, with COVID-19 causing grocery store shortages and job layoffs. Nonetheless, the recipes below may offer you a solution to the perishables at the back of your fridge. (Photo by Manasa Gudavalli)

Recipes to Reduce Food Waste

Make the most out of your sparse grocery trips with these food waste-reducing recipes.
Lauren Gruber, Dining Editor March 24, 2020

Overstocked on aubergines during your quarantine grocery trips? Not sure how to make use of your $7 organic strawberries after they’ve gone mushy? Between COVID-19 causing food...

WSN is compiling resources that may be of help during this semester. (Staff Illustration by Alexandra Chan)

Coronavirus Outbreak Resources for the NYU Community

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, a lot of information can get lost in the panic. WSN has compiled a list of resources that could possibly be of use to the NYU community. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.

Many members of the NYU community have been irreversibly affected by the coronavirus outbreak, either because of the virus itself or the university’s response to it. Students...

A student walks through NYU Abu Dhabi's campus. NYUAD is the last of NYU's campuses to remain open amid the outbreak of the coronavirus. (Photo by Sam Klein)

NYUAD Students Confident in Campus’ Response to Coronavirus

NYUAD students feel reassured by its administration following the closures of all of NYU’s global sites.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor March 23, 2020

An email sent on Monday, March 16, by NYU Global Programs notified the students of NYU Accra and NYU Sydney that both campuses would be closing. With this shutdown, every NYU campus...

The COVID-19 crisis has left students wondering about the rest of their spring academic semester. Most NYU schools are currently offering students the option to request to pass/fail their classes up until May 12th. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

NYU Schools Update Pass/Fail Policies in Response to Coronavirus

Several NYU schools are offering expanded pass/fail options for students in response to concerns surrounding the transition to remote instruction.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 23, 2020

Some undergraduate students can now choose to pass/fail Spring 2020 courses and still count them towards degree requirements, as several school deans have announced in response...

NYU’s Evictions Show Its Disregard for Students’ Needs

NYU’s Evictions Show Its Disregard for Students’ Needs

The closure of residence halls last week showed that, yet again, NYU has failed to put the interests of its students first.
WSN Editorial Board March 23, 2020

Last Monday, NYU President Andrew Hamilton sent out a letter to the student body about the closure of residence halls and the transition to online classes for the rest of the semester....

Confronting Identity in Light of Coronavirus and Xenophobia

Confronting Identity in Light of Coronavirus and Xenophobia

As much as I may identify with my own nation, the recent pandemic has shown me how fragile this relationship truly is.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor March 23, 2020

I was born in New York City. I grew up in Richmond. I reveled in my American history and government classes. I even voluntarily participated in a year-long civics competition where...

A student packs up their belongings in Clark Hall, a residence hall in Brooklyn Heights. NYU dorm halls are reportedly to be used to remedy hospital bed shortages. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

NYU Dorms May House Coronavirus Patients

Vice President of Student Affairs Marc Wais sent an email on Tuesday, March 17 opening up the possibility of NYU’s residence halls being used as surplus hospital beds.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 18, 2020

Editor's Note, March 18: the number of hospital beds in New York City has been updated for specificity. They were counted using data from the New York State Department of Health...

Rubin Hall is a first-year residence hall that lies on 5th Avenue and 10th Street. President Hamilton sent out a memorandum Monday afternoon informing the NYU community that NYU was closing residence halls and dining halls, asking students to leave by latest March 22. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Dorm Closures Leave Residents with Little Support

NYU hall residents react to New York dorm closures.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 17, 2020

NYU students have been left confused, surprised and scrambling following NYU President Andrew Hamilton’s announcement on Monday, March 16 that New York residence halls will close...

The Colloquium Room at the Kimmel Center is where the Student Government Assembly meets. The SGA offered a statement in response to the current situation facing the NYU community. (Photo by Jorene He)

SGA Offers Support After NYU Shuts Residence Halls

Following University President Andrew Hamilton’s announcement on Monday, March 16, which closed residence halls after Sunday, March 22 and extended remote instruction for the remainder of the semester, the Student Government Assembly issued a statement offering resources for students.
Lisa Cochran, News Editor March 16, 2020

As NYU President Andrew Hamilton’s email on Monday, March 16 — which announced the shutdown of residence halls after Sunday, March 22 and the continuation of remote instruction...

Staff Rants: Online Classes

Staff Rants: Online Classes

NYU students have been taking classes online since Wednesday, March 11. Hear our staff’s experiences on the situation.

On Arriving Early Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor I’ve never been more uncomfortable than the five minutes before class started where it was just me, my professor and...

The annual Tribeca film festival since 2002 hosted in Manhattan shows a wide variety of independent films. The festival has now been cancelled due to COVID-19. (Illustration by Cicek Erel)

Tribeca Film Festival Postponed Due to Coronavirus

Yet another film festival has fallen to the coronavirus pandemic. Tribeca Film Festival, which normally runs during the month of April in New York City, announced its decision to postpone.
Kaylee DeFreitas, Arts Editor March 12, 2020

The Tribeca Film Festival made an announcement on their website this Thursday, stating that due to the coronavirus and New York Governor Cuomo banning gatherings of over 500 people...

The Richard Rodgers Theater on Broadway hosts the award-winning musical Hamilton created by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Since a Broadway usher has reported testing positive for COVID-19, Broadway is now shutting down.(Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

Coronavirus Closes the Curtains on Broadway

New York restricts gatherings that consist of 500 people or more, which is forcing Broadway to go dark for a month.
Sasha Cohen, Performing Arts Editor March 12, 2020

The Great White Way is going dark for the first time in 19 years since 9/11. From March 12 through April 12, Broadway will be closed as New York attempts to prevent more coronavirus...