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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A seemingly high-budget production takes over the western side of Washington Square Park.

Who are “We” Actually?

A candid, portrait-style look into the fringe members of the NYU social landscape.
Andrew Fullerton, UTA Exposures Staff Photographer September 30, 2019

I’ve always been interested in members of our community who aren’t explicitly related to NYU, but are foundational to the student experience and what it means to exist in New...

Composting Isn’t a Waste

Composting Isn’t a Waste

Composting is one way everyone — students included — can help fight climate change and create a more sustainable future.
Gabby Lozano, Contributing Writer September 9, 2019

In a world of seven — soon to be eight — billion people, it’s easy to find comfort in the statement “I’m just one person,” especially in response to the growing issue...

Which Tisch Are You Talking About?

Which Tisch Are You Talking About?

Tisch needs more than just a Day of Community.
Johanna Stone, Columnist March 27, 2019

At the beginning of a semester or after a major awards show, an email always pops into my inbox from Allyson Green, Dean of Tisch School of the Arts. These emails celebrate the...

Finding Home in New York City

Finding Home in New York City

Read one first-year’s take on their transition from fall to spring semester, and why it’s important to fully immerse yourself in the city.
Nosheen Hossain, Contributing Writer February 11, 2019

Entering college, I had a very strict, categorical definition of what home meant. To me, home was the idea of feeling fully grounded in the location that I occupied — a sense...


NYU Students Reflect on the Rise of Subtle Traits Groups

Recently popular Facebook groups like Subtle Asian Traits and Subtle Curry Traits are bringing together communities that often feel misunderstood.
Ria Mittal, Staff Writer November 30, 2018
Recently popular Facebook groups like Subtle Asian Traits and Subtle Curry Traits are bringing together communities that often feel misunderstood.
POC Safe Spaces Are More Problematic Than You Think

POC Safe Spaces Are More Problematic Than You Think

Dyshere Logan, Columnist October 5, 2018
Pushing all people of color together can at times be beneficial, but is also problematic and reductive.
More Welcome, Less Weak

More Welcome, Less Weak

WSN Editorial Board September 4, 2018
The Editorial Board discusses why clubs and student-organized events are the most crucial aspects of Welcome Week and building a community at NYU.
The Destruction of a Black New York Community

The Destruction of a Black New York Community

Tianne Johnson, Contributing Writer February 12, 2018
Appreciating different cultures is not enough. We must try to understand the hardships of oppressed cultures in order to move toward social justice.
Tandon sophomore Arystan Tatishev is the founder of the Facebook groups Overheard At NYU and NYU Memes For Slightly Bankrupt Teens.

Overheard: Humor Sans Context

Jendayi Omowale, Staff Writer November 13, 2017
The "Overheard at NYU" Facebook group was started this September and already has over 1,000 members. The group allows students to post quotes heard around campus with little to no context.
The Religion Issue

The Religion Issue

Natasha Roy and Abbey Wilson October 23, 2017
Religion is a major part of everyday life for many people. In the Religion Issue, we look at different ways religious life affects students at NYU.
NYU Must Stand Behind Its DREAMers

NYU Must Stand Behind Its DREAMers

WSN Editorial Board October 18, 2017
Students were criticized for throwing the Anti-Hate Rally on Tuesday by university administrators and faculty. It seems, however, the latter were the ones that overreacted. The rally was concise and peaceful and nothing beyond the scope of the racist message, that incited the manifestation.
The Importance of Student Leadership

The Importance of Student Leadership

Shraddha Bhavesh Jajal, Contributing Writer October 12, 2017
The best way for everyone to have a voice is to bridge the gap between student government and the student body.