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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Chapstick comes in all shapes and sizes - here are some of the culture desk’s favorites. (Staff Photo by Chelsea Li)

Culture Desk Faves: Chapstick Edition

We’ve got a lot to say about Chapstick.

If you walked up to anyone on the street (though I’m not sure you should), and asked them if they had some chapstick, chances are they probably do. Believe it or not, one’s...

Ranking of faces wipes brands - which are best for removing makeup, dirt, and oil of the skin.

Makeup Wipes Can’t Clear All Your Face-Cleansing Needs

Ali Webb, Staff Writer September 14, 2016
If you're going to be lazy, be smart about it. Learn about the best (and worst) make-up removal wipes.
Dyanna Fleites-Cruz tries on a homemade face-mask, NYU also has many option for local retail facials.

Leaves are drying, but your skin shouldn’t

Minnie Ongsricharoenporn, Staff Writer November 2, 2015
These soothing products make it easy to keep your skin flake-free.