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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

President Andrew Hamilton's Affordability Steering Committee met again Monday, April 18 for the fourth time, hoping to find a way to incorporate students and professors in making more collaborative decisions regarding the issue surrounding affordability at NYU.

Most Recent Affordability Brainstorm Draws More Students

Kyle Sturmann, Staff Writer April 19, 2016
President Hamilton talked college affordability with NYU students during his second public forum.
Hamilton Needs a Better Party Planner

Hamilton Needs a Better Party Planner

WSN Editorial Board April 18, 2016
Students must do everything possible in order to secure a more desirable affordability plan, including promoting the talks with President Hamilton.
Letter to the Editor: NYU Endowment

Letter to the Editor: NYU Endowment

John Beckman April 15, 2016
In spite of our small per-student endowment, NYU has managed to improve its academic programs, reputation and ranking; substantially increase scholarship aid; and take some important initial steps toward improving affordability.
President Hamilton hosted an affordability talk on Wednesday, however, turnout was minimal.

Scarce Student Turnout at Hamilton’s Public Affordability Discussion

Carlos Michael Rodriguez, Contributing Writer April 8, 2016
President Hamilton's affordability talk received little reaction from students.
Seeing 2020: Incoming Freshman Class Has Visions of a More Affordable NYU

Seeing 2020: Incoming Freshman Class Has Visions of a More Affordable NYU

Suhana Jagadesan, Contributing Writer April 5, 2016
The class of 2020 is hopeful that President Hamilton's new affordability initiatives will decrease the burden of NYU's tuition.
NYU IDs will see an increase in use now that students are now paid by campus cash.

Fine Print in Fight For $15 Agreement: ‘You’ll Get it in Campus Cash’

Diamond Naga Siu, Deputy News Editor April 1, 2016
The minimum wage increase to $15 per hour is announced to only work with Campus Cash.
University's Wage Raises Have to Come From Somewhere

University’s Wage Raises Have to Come From Somewhere

Richard Shu, Opinion Editor March 29, 2016
Though the measures are undoubtedly a boon for student workers, we must all keep in mind that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
For 36 hours, students from the IEC occupied the Kimmel lobby to #banthebox from the Common Application.

Here’s What You Missed in March

Greta Chevance, Deputy News Editor March 28, 2016
Top 5 March news coverage from WSN.
NYU Reacts: Student Minimum Wage Raised to $15

NYU Reacts: Student Minimum Wage Raised to $15

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 25, 2016
President Hamilton announced the new $15 per hour minimum wage for student workers with NYU jobs.
Ask NYU For Change and You Shall Receive — Maybe

Ask NYU For Change and You Shall Receive — Maybe

WSN Editorial Board March 24, 2016
The open suggestion box is a critical next step, not only for Hamilton’s affordability mission, but also his ongoing efforts to create a more transparent administration. But it remains to be seen how well the administration will respond.
CUNY Cuts Endanger Public Education

CUNY Cuts Endanger Public Education

Abraham Gross, Deputy Opinion Editor March 21, 2016
Cuomo’s claim that reduced State funding “won’t cost New York City a penny” is patently absurd. Under the guise of cost-saving, Albany is trying to shift education costs from its budget onto the city and students who can least afford it.
Committee Offers Progress, Scapegoat

Committee Offers Progress, Scapegoat

WSN Editorial Board March 7, 2016
Without clear accountability or parameters, the committee is at risk of being used as a scapegoat, to offer the administration plausible deniability.