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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

An illustration of a female-presenting figure sits, with legs crossed, listening to music with black over-ear headphones. In the background, a urban landscape approximating Times Square in New York City. The signs in the background read “Cinema,” “Bank,” “Fitness Center,” “Tattoo,” “Art,” “Great Recipe,” “Green Tea,” “Restaurant,” “Jazz” and “Cupcake.”

How moving to New York helped me rethink my relationship with anxiety

I had expected my anxiety to get worse after moving to Manhattan. Instead, my relationship with it got exponentially better. 
Alexa Donovan, Contributing Writer October 28, 2022

I have always been more anxious than the average person. A panicker. A perfectionist. A people pleaser. I overthink, I overshare, I overexert myself.  New York City works better...

An illustration of the back of a Black girl’s head while she sprays products into her hair in front of a mirror. On the right is a table with eight assorted hair care product containers.

The US hair care industry lags behind in accepting Black hair

Hair is an essential part of Black identity and culture in America. It’s time for hair care brands to reflect that.
Mika Chipana, Contributing Writer March 11, 2022

Hair matters. It is a part of our identity, our sense of self. Hair is an extension of culture, a unified experience. But my hair did not start mattering to me on a personal level...

Conquering Loneliness

Conquering Loneliness

While loneliness can be deeply unpleasant and scary, labeling it as something negative that needs to be avoided only encourages people to fear a natural human experience.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor March 4, 2020

When I first committed to NYU, most people warned me that if I didn’t try really hard to make friends (and even if I did), I’d end up feeling incredibly lonely. As a result,...

Changing your mind can be a stressful, but justified process.
(Photo by Jorene He)

The Value of Changing Your Mind

It’s time for us to let go of the notion that there can only be one right way to think about anything, ever.
Janice Lee, Editor-at-Large April 12, 2019

About two weeks ago, halfway into the final semester of my undergraduate career, I withdrew from a class for the very first time. It probably sounds a little absurd, even dramatic,...

All Hype, No Heat: VFILES at Fashion Week

All Hype, No Heat: VFILES at Fashion Week

Amanda Burkett, Beauty and Style Editor September 10, 2018
Wacky as always, the VFiles show in this year's Fashion Week did not disappoint.
The NYU Class of 2021 has been announced to be the most diverse class in NYU’s history, with 17 percent of admits being first-generation students, and the Latinx and African-American populations representing a greater proportion of the class body.

NYU Reacts: Diversity of the Class of 2021

Natasha Roy, News Editor April 13, 2017
NYU admitted the most diverse group of students in 16 years for the class of 2021. Current and prospective NYU students react to this announcement.
Admitted Tandon students will get to tour Mars through virtual reality goggles.

Tandon Sees 2020 With VR Goggles

Kate Howard, Contributing Writer April 18, 2016
NYU Tandon's Class of 2020 will receive a Virtual Reality gadget along with their acceptance packages.

NYU applications at all-time high

Alex Bazeley, Deputy News Editor January 26, 2015
Record number of applicants applying to NYU Class of 2019.

‘I, Too, Am NYU’ campaign opens racial dialogue

April 15, 2014
The campaign's organizers hosted an open forum titled “Racial Solidarity: A Vision of Coalition.”

University sees record number of applicants

April 7, 2014
NYU admitted 18,000 of the 52,000 applicants.

Admissions offices consider more than racial diversity

April 22, 2013
Another affirmative action case reaches the Supreme Court. But the vibrations have not yet been felt at NYU.
Johnathan Tan/WSN

Complicated relationship between hip-hop and derogatory language

September 14, 2012
Hip hop's sometimes crude diction does not make the music any less artistic, nor does it make its fans supporters of its sometimes shocking messages.