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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Pamela Jew

Pamela Jew, Under the Arch Managing Editor

Pamela Jew is the Managing Editor of WSN’s magazine, Under the Arch, and a junior in Gallatin studying ‘Community Through Commodity’ with a Anthropology minor. For a hot conversation starter, ask her about the summer she spent watching over 200 hours of Jake Paul videos because it’s every day bro. She’s from a town in the suburban outskirts of Atlanta, lovingly referred to as ‘The Bubble,’ but to burst your bubble, she unfortunately (or fortunately) doesn’t have a southern accent. You’ll find her social media if you hunt.

All content by Pamela Jew
090917_Custo Barcelona_Pamela Jew_WEB_40

Photo: Custo Barcelona S/S 2018

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief September 9, 2017

Barbara Tfank S/S 2018

Barbara Tfank S/S 2018

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief September 8, 2017

As the curious pedestrians of E. 10th St. passed by Maison Gerard — a French art deco decor store — Barbara Tfank’s Spring/Summer 2018 collection premiered inside. Tfank...

Supima S/S 2018

Supima S/S 2018

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief September 7, 2017

Supima — a non-profit organization which promotes the use of American grown cotton — hosted its 10th annual design competition. This year’s show featured seven designers...

United Airlines may have a bad reputation lately, but their airplane food is among the best.

Highs and Lows of International Airline Food

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief September 7, 2017
International flying can already be a pain being strapped into your seat for 10 plus hours, but how does the food fare while being 30,000 feet up in the air?
Gallatin sophomore Selly Djap will showcase her new collection, Sex, at New York Fashion Week.

Gallatin Student Set to Show Collection at NYFW

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief September 5, 2017
Gallatin sophomore Selly Djap discusses her upcoming Spring/Summer 2018 collection for New York Fashion Week.
Dorm Life: How to Care for Your Clothes

Dorm Life: How to Care for Your Clothes

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief August 28, 2017
Take care of your clothes this school year with a few must-have tools.
Kenneth Ning S/S 2018

Kenneth Ning S/S 2018

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief July 13, 2017

  A logo reminiscent of the United States’ Great Seal stood as the backdrop for Kenneth Ning's Spring/Summer 2018 runway, which foreshadowed the designs to come....

Carlos Campos S/S 2018

Carlos Campos S/S 2018

Pamela Jew, Deputy Copy Chief July 11, 2017

To highlight his Latin background, Carlos Campos lit the runway with red and cobalt lights and bumped Latin music before his Spring/Summer 2018 show began. The flaring lights...

Leonard N. Stern School of Business Commencement ‘17

Leonard N. Stern School of Business Commencement ‘17

Pamela Jew, Staff Writer May 21, 2017
NYU Stern celebrated their commencement ceremony by honoring all of their students — the ambitious, the determined and those unwilling to take "no" for an answer.
The gallery space of Washington Mews features portraits of sexual assault survivors from Survivor magazine. The models worked with Survivor and the NYC Alliance Against Sexual Assault to face taboos around sexual assault.

‘Start the Conversation’ With Survivors Magazine

Pamela Jew, Staff Writer May 1, 2017
Survivor, the NYU student-created magazine, turns to fashion as a source of empowerment for victims of sexual assault.