Your guide to NYU’s Quick Stops
Because no one wants to eat outside in the cold.
February 7, 2022
Sometimes you need a bite between classes without getting yelled at to put your mask back on. NYU’s Quick Stops aren’t much, but at least you can have a few moments to eat in peace. Quick Stops are NYU’s designated locations where indoor eating is permitted for 15 minutes. Though NYU’s dining facilities opened their eating areas on Feb. 4, this list is for people who want a break from the chaotic dining halls or who don’t have meal plans.
Washington Square
15 Barclay St. — second floor, room 206 and third floor room 335A

An iconic skyscraper on the New York City skyline, the Woolworth Building was the tallest building in the world from 1913 to 1930 and current home of the School of Professional Studies Downtown Center. Apart from visiting a landmark or being an SPS student, there’s absolutely no reason to make the walk downtown for these two Quick Stops. While they’re both equipped with swivel chairs, these repurposed classrooms have a moldy and corporate vibe to them. The stops’ redeeming qualities are their location next to a small community kitchen, vending machines and room 335A’s cute windows.
7 E. 12th St. — room 327

Upon entering SPS’s flagship building, the first thing you’ll see is a spacious lounge — the perfect place to read a book, sip some water or respond to a text. You’d think this would be the perfect spot for a Quick Stop location, given that there’s enough room between the chairs, and it’s easy to find. That’s where you’re wrong. You will have to take the elevator three flights up and turn the corner where you will find a dark, empty, dull classroom. Don’t come here unless you have to.
SPS Midtown Center, 11 W. 42nd St. — fifth floor, room 505 and 10th floor, rooms 1026 and 1039

Another NYU building next to an iconic landmark, Bryant Park. You may be awed by the golden elevators, but you’ll soon be disappointed to see that the fifth and tenth floors look about as boring as any other NYU facility. Pro tip: ask for the “Lunch Rooms” instead of Quick Stops if you’re lost. If you’re looking for a well-lit classroom, go to room 505. If you enjoy dim lighting and cubicle seats so your neighbor can’t see what you’re eating, go to room 1039.
Kimmel Center — second floor, East Lounge

Don’t be fooled — the East Lounge is just the eating area by Peet’s Coffee. At the center of traffic and next to the best place for getting rid of extra meal swipes, this Quick Stop could have been perfect — emphasis on could. The terrible chair-to-table ratio will have you either standing by the awkwardly tall tables or sitting on the floor. And with that in-between-class rush? Unless you are willing to sit outside, this Quick Stop probably isn’t worth it.
Tisch Hall, 40 W. Fourth St. — first floor, Kassin Center, and fourth floor, rooms 411-413

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that some of NYU’s best lounges are in Tisch Hall, aka Stern. If you ever take a class here, you’ll find yourself sitting on a cushioned bench or chair. The only bad thing about the lounge is that it’s located in Stern so you will most definitely be sitting among the future inside traders of America — oops, we meant to say investment bankers.
721 Broadway — first floor, Riese Lounge

We were pleasantly surprised when we walked into the Riese Lounge on the first floor of the Tisch Building. It’s not bad! It’s like a high school cafeteria except with less space and more talented people. Take that for what it’s worth.
Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life — second, third and fourth floors

Mere corridors away from Peet’s Coffee and the Marketplace at Kimmel, these GCASL lounges are perfect as a nice break between classes or an end to your day. The second and third floors are what Kimmel’s East Lounge wishes it was, with a perfect 1-to-1 chair-to-table ratio. Although the fourth floor lounge is more chair-heavy and has inconveniently low tables, it’s significantly more comfortable with its retro-style red-and-gray armchairs. However, with takeout bags piled up halfway to the ceiling, you might have to find a different place to dispose of your trash.
Silver Center — first floor, Heights Lounge

Technically in the Waverly Building, the Heights Lounge is a cozy place for a quick meal. The space has minimal chatter as it’s predominantly filled with studying students. The couches, armchairs and large conference table are perfect for your leisure. We recommend entering through the Waverly Place entrance. If you enter from the Washington Place side, you’ll have to follow a confusing trail of tiny paper signs to the Waverly Place side of the building.
Kimmel Center — eighth-floor lounge

Whether you want to look down at your seventh-floor peers over the balcony or simply enjoy your lunch, Kimmel’s eighth floor is for you. The white walls and somehow too-quiet atmosphere give the vibe of a minimalist art gallery mixed with a doctor’s waiting room. However, with its panoramic view, complimentary phone charging station, low tables and comfy armchairs, this W-shaped lounge is perfect for a quick and quiet stop.
Shimkin Hall, 50 W. Fourth Street — first floor, Gardner Commons

This hidden Quick Stop in Shimkin Hall is like a cross between a hotel convention center and an SAT testing room. The commons is spacious and well-lit with circular chandeliers, making it convenient for long study sessions. What’s even better is that no one ever comes here — at least for now — so you can actually wind down for your lunch.
By Ryan Kawahara, Web Director
The official room names will get you lost so here’s a translation of NYU room number gibberish into identifiable locations.
5 MetroTech Center — lower level, LC102 aka the room next to the elevators

Close to the Dibner Library, this large and well-lit space is perfect for when you need a quick bite in between study sessions. If you’re lucky, you can hear someone practicing the piano down the hall. If you don’t spend much time at the library though, you’re probably better off somewhere else.
2 MetroTech Center — eighth floor, rooms 800-2 and 800CA-2 aka anywhere on the eighth floor of 2 MetroTech that isn’t a classroom

One of the biggest Tandon Quick Stop spaces, the eighth floor of the MetroTech Center has several rows of spaced-out chairs and tables. It has a nice view of the Brooklyn Commons and is relatively quiet compared to the other spaces. However, this Quick Stop requires an elevator ride, which can sometimes be difficult as NYU shares the building with the office workers on the floors below.
6 MetroTech Center — second floor, room 209 aka the second-floor lounge

For what this space lacks in visual pizzaz, it makes up for in accessibility. Conveniently located just one floor above Jasper Kane Cafe, it’s perfect for when all the seats there are taken. The large table by the windows is best for eating, but there are also many swiveling chairs for your leisure.
370 Jay Street — second floor, room 205 aka Cafe 370

This brightly lit cafe-style seating area has always been one of our favorite study spaces at Tandon. There are plenty of tables and chargers for your devices between classes. If you’re there for a quick bite, use the standing tables near the Cafe. For a larger meal, there are lots of benches with tables as well.

If this insanely comprehensive and well-researched list still hasn’t satisfied you, we have also examined outdoor eating spots for when the weather is nice. Try the Law School’s courtyard, the Japanese-inspired Sasaki gardens, Washington Mews’ sidewalks or the Kimmel patios. But until we get a bright and sunny day, make sure to pull up this guide the next time you’re in a hurry to eat.
Contact The Culture Desk at [email protected] and Ryan Kawahara at [email protected].