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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

University Life

(Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

We’re Resigning from WSN. Here’s Why.

We are now publicizing the grievances that led us all to this decision.
WSN Staff September 28, 2020

We, the undersigned WSN Fall 2020 Editorial Staff, have collectively decided to resign from Washington Square News, effective immediately. This was extensively deliberated in collaboration...

Support GSOC to Protect NYU

Support GSOC to Protect NYU

The gains that University of Michigan’s Graduate Employees’ Organization made through its strike shows that GSOC and its negotiating power should be at the forefront in any fight to support and accommodate the NYU community.
Jun Sung, Deputy Managing Editor September 27, 2020

The Graduate Employees’ Organization at the University of Michigan organized a strike on Sept. 8 in response to the university’s plans to reopen its campus and the lack of...

If NYU Can Punish Violaters of COVID-19 Policies, Why Not Sexual Assault Perpetrators?

If NYU Can Punish Violaters of COVID-19 Policies, Why Not Sexual Assault Perpetrators?

NYU’s recent suspension of students demonstrates its power to hold students accountable for their actions. This level of accountability must set the precedent for cases of sexual assault in order to create a true zero-tolerance policy, instead of upholding an illusory idea of campus safety.
Nicole Chiarella, Copy Chief September 17, 2020

Note: This article contains mentions of sexual assault which may be triggering to some readers. Please proceed with caution. On Sept. 6, NYU made national headlines after suspending...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Are Not Enough

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Are Not Enough

In light of anti-racist uprisings across the country, the NYU administration has recently stressed its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. This does little to tackle institutional racism in any meaningful way.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor September 13, 2020

Diversity, equity and inclusion have long been represented in NYU’s policies when it comes to addressing racism at an institutional level. These ideas, however, do not do nearly...

NYU’s Inadequate Quarantine Meals Exacerbated Food Insecurity

NYU’s Inadequate Quarantine Meals Exacerbated Food Insecurity

NYU’s failure to deliver sufficient food to quarantined students has become a social media trend in the last few weeks. But amidst all the jokes and viral posts, the struggles of low-income and food insecure students are being neglected and trivialized.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor September 3, 2020

NYU’s meal delivery system for students undergoing the state-imposed quarantine was nothing short of a disaster. There were students surviving off of one meal a day, students...

The Persistence of Classism at NYU

The Persistence of Classism at NYU

The classist language used on the American Sign Language Department’s universal syllabus reveals an ongoing culture of elitism that extends beyond the student body.
Helen Wajda, Opinion Editor September 1, 2020

It’s no secret that NYU prides itself on being a diverse and inclusive institution — each year, we hear that the incoming freshman class is the “most diverse” class in...

NYU, Cut Ties With Chartwells

NYU, Cut Ties With Chartwells

NYU’s latest quarantine meal delivery debacle should give cause for the university to re-evaluate its relationship with its dining provider, Chartwells.
Kevin Kurian, Deputy Opinion Editor August 31, 2020

It was a surreal experience to see my TikTok feed filled with moldy and bizarre excuses for meals from my own university. From watermelon chicken salad to a single piece of bread,...

NYU’s Impossible Financial Situation

NYU’s Impossible Financial Situation

Like many universities across the country, the pandemic has backed NYU into a corner. The financial pressures facing NYU explain its decision to partially reopen, and will cause it to struggle for years to come.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor August 30, 2020

Like many other universities, NYU faces an impossible catch-22 as our government’s incompetent response to the pandemic causes COVID-19 to continue to ravage this country. NYU...

The Misleading Nature of the NYU Administration’s Letter

The Misleading Nature of the NYU Administration’s Letter

In an email to the NYU community, the administration attempted to justify the university’s failure to reimburse tuition and financially accommodate students despite its sizable endowment. NYU is not being transparent about its financial assets nor its ability to meet the needs of its student body.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor May 6, 2020

Last week, NYU President Andrew Hamilton, Executive Vice President Martin Dorph and Provost Katherine Fleming sent an email to the NYU community, providing several updates and...

President Hamilton: Support Students in Need and Take a Pay Cut

President Hamilton: Support Students in Need and Take a Pay Cut

NYU President Andrew Hamilton’s email is just another example of NYU overspending on administrators and failing to genuinely support students in need.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor May 6, 2020

When I received President Andrew Hamilton’s email discussing NYU’s current financial situation last week, I expected it to contain the usual insistence that the administration...

The Need for a Democratic Board of Trustees at NYU

The Need for a Democratic Board of Trustees at NYU

With many NYU students struggling in this present crisis, the administration’s letter makes it clear that we need student representation at all levels of NYU.
Paul Ibuzor, Contributing Writer May 5, 2020

The disruptive nature of COVID-19 has heavily impacted many sectors, including higher education. In the wake of the controversial $14 billion relief package passed by Congress,...

The Case for Universal Pass

The Case for Universal Pass

The COVID-19 crisis has put far too many students at odds with the traditional path to success. The time for Universal Pass is here.
Andrew Lusk, Contributing Writer April 26, 2020

Despite the fact that we are living through an unprecedented crisis, NYU seems to think that students can — and should — continue to adhere to normal expectations. Around the...