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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


Save the Supreme Court

Save the Supreme Court

While it is important to prevent a conservative hegemony on the court that would rescind the protections and liberties of vulnerable communities, it is essential that the plan to reform the Supreme Court considers long-term interests.
Kevin Kurian, Deputy Opinion Editor September 23, 2020

As a result of Mitch McConnell’s push to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her passing on Sept. 18, it is likely that the Supreme Court will have a 6-3 conservative majority...

How To Properly Critique Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy

How To Properly Critique Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy

Since the passing of RBG, many are critical of the backlash people are lodging at her and her legacy. However, what these people miss is that Ginsburg’s failure to step down when President Obama was in office will forever taint the achievements made in her lifetime.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor September 22, 2020

Since the recent passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, many progressives are debating the best ways to remember her and discuss her legacy. An outpouring of news...

Republicans Are Hypocrites, but They're Effective

Republicans Are Hypocrites, but They’re Effective

With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and an ensuing vicious political fight, many are quick to point out the hypocrisies of the Republican party. What these critics miss, though, is that Republican hypocrisy is the only way to be politically effective.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor September 21, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal titan and pioneering advocate for women’s rights, died last Friday due to complications of metastatic pancreas cancer. She was...

Voter Suppression Has Always Been a Problem

Voter Suppression Has Always Been a Problem

Recent mania over the imagined problem of voter fraud have been used to justify tactics that lead to voter suppression. Our continued failure to guard the citizenry from these attacks on voting stems not from a public official, but rather the lack of an explicit right to vote.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor September 16, 2020

As the November presidential election approaches, the logistics of voting have become increasingly politicized and contentious. This comes after months of President Donald Trump...

Trump’s WeChat Ban Is Xenophobic

Trump’s WeChat Ban Is Xenophobic

The ban of the Chinese messaging app WeChat could have disastrous effects on the Chinese immigrant community.
Ashley Wu, Editor-at-Large September 10, 2020

After the news broke that President Donald Trump was set on banning TikTok in America, the app’s myriad of devoted followers spoke out against the injunction with semi-religious...

The Reprisal of Bush V. Gore Threatens Our Elections

The Reprisal of Bush V. Gore Threatens Our Elections

President Trump has recently filed lawsuits against New Jersey and Nevada for their efforts to increase voter accessibility, citing the controversial case Bush v. Gore. If this legal reasoning is accepted, it may wreak havoc on our courts and elections for decades to come.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor September 9, 2020

During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many have expressed interest in vote-by-mail because of the health risks associated with large crowds at polling places. In response, President...

Democrats, You Don’t Have to Hand It to George W. Bush

Democrats, You Don’t Have to Hand It to George W. Bush

On Saturday, May 2, former President George W. Bush was met with praise for his message calling for national unity amid the coronavirus pandemic. In reality, this praise is part of a larger obsession to sanitize Bush’s disastrous presidency.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor May 5, 2020

Former President George W. Bush shared a message on Saturday, May 2, across his social media platforms calling on Americans to put aside partisan differences amid the coronavirus...

How Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Shapes the Supreme Court

How Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Shapes the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has repeatedly bolstered the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant agenda. Last Thursday, the majority opinion’s language in Barton v. Barr reveals possible biases against immigrants.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor April 27, 2020

Since launching his presidential campaign in 2015, the nation has been inundated with inflammatory, anti-immigrant rhetoric catalyzed by President Trump. Publically, Trump has...

Yes, Stay-at-Home Orders Are Legal and Necessary

Yes, Stay-at-Home Orders Are Legal and Necessary

Last week, we witnessed an eruption of protests against multiple government’s shelter-in-place orders, across multiple states, under the guise of protecting personal liberties, but these protestors have failed to truly grasp what civil liberties actually are.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor April 20, 2020

The nation witnessed a collision between public health and political struggles last week, as thousands of people exploded into open protest on the streets of Michigan’s capital....

The Trump Administration Must Stop Politicizing COVID-19

The Trump Administration Must Stop Politicizing COVID-19

From President Trump’s delayed use of the Defense Production Act to federal aid discrepancies between states, he routinely places his goal of reelection over the lives of everyday Americans.
Kevin Kurian, Staff Writer April 15, 2020

The federal government’s policies during this pandemic have been weak and slow in action. A part of this problem stems from the fact that the Trump administration’s response...

Do Not Trust the Supreme Court to Protect Your Right to Vote

Do Not Trust the Supreme Court to Protect Your Right to Vote

Last Monday, April 6, the Supreme Court refused to extend the absentee-ballot deadline in light of a global pandemic, reflecting Chief Justice Roberts’ long-held commitment to weaken voting rights.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor April 13, 2020

During these trying times of a global public health crisis, Wisconsin and the courts have failed to protect voters. The Supreme Court refused to extend the deadline for absentee...

Even in Times of Pandemic, Abortions Are Still Essential

Even in Times of Pandemic, Abortions Are Still Essential

Under a guise of sudden concern for public health, Republican lawmakers are quick to exploit coronavirus to fulfill their own moral crusade against abortion.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor March 30, 2020

Though we are all familiar with the long-perpetuated excuse for inactivity in times of tragedy, pro-life politicians have decided to subvert expectations by exploiting the coronavirus...