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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

2016 Election

President-elect Donald Trump will be inaugurated today as the 45th President of the United States.

A Trump Inauguration Guide: Talking with Willie Geist

Jemima McEvoy, News Editor January 20, 2017
Willie Geist, NBC anchor and news correspondent, spoke with WSN on what to expect from the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States.
John Paulson, a member of the Board of Trustees at NYU, was chosen to be a part of Donald Trump's economic advisory team.

Board Member John Paulson Shows Close Ties to Trump

Bobby Wagner, Managing Editor December 2, 2016
John Paulson is both an NYU Board of Trustees member and key player on Donald Trump's cabinet, which poses conflicts between university values and the past rhetoric of Trump's campaign.
Though there were numerous protests in the weeks following the election, demonstrations have since have abated.

Protests Begin to Slow Down Post-Thanksgiving

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy December 2, 2016
A spate of protests followed the election of Donald Trump, but demonstrations have died down recently.
Jill Stein, Green Party’s presidential candidate, has called for a recount of the votes in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. NYU reacts.

Students Torn on Election Recount

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 28, 2016
Politically minded NYU weigh on Jill Stein's recount petition for the Presidential election.
Allan Lichtman is an American History professor at American University.

Professor Predicts Impeachment for Donald Trump

Jemima McEvoy, Deputy News Editor November 21, 2016
A history professor at American University has successfully predicted election outcomes for the past 30 years, and now predicts that Donald Trump will be impeached.
President-elect, Donald Trump, proposed many ideas during his presidential campaign, but due to their equivocation on the major issues, here are the top 6 that will impact NYU students.

How Will Trump’s Policies Affect You? We Broke It Down

A look at Trump's policies on race, taxes, international relations, healthcare and education.
The post-it notes covering Anastasiya Muravyeva's  door on Nov. 17 displayed rhetoric commonly employed by white nationalists, like "white pride" and "make America white again."

Post-Its With Swastika, ‘White Pride’ Found on Gramercy Door

Sayer Devlin and Diamond Naga Siu November 17, 2016
A student living in the Gramercy Green residence hall found her door covered in post-it notes displaying pro-Trump rhetoric on Thursday morning.
Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a 'Sanctuary Campus'

Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a ‘Sanctuary Campus’

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2016
NYU students walked out of their classes on Wednesday in support of the nationwide #SanctuaryCampus movement.

Fight Against Islamophobia Continues at Tandon Rally

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 16, 2016
The Muslim Student Association held another rally in response to the vandalism at the Tandon campus.
After the result of the election, a number of rallies and protests have taken place all over New York City, from Washington Square Park and Union Square, to outside of Trump Tower.

NYU Student Organizes Love Rally in the Park

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 14, 2016
An NYU sophomore organized a love rally in Washington Square Park to bring people together after Donald Trump's victory.
Although the Republican Party may have majority in congress and taken the presidency, student republicans are not completely in support of Trump.

NYU Republicans Double Down on Trump

Herman Lee, Staff Writer November 14, 2016
How Republicans on campus are feeling now that Donald Trump is the president-elect.

Many NYU alums have gone into government positions in and out of the country.

From NYU to Government Offices

Miranda Levingston, Staff Writer November 14, 2016
A listicle of NYU alum who have held government positions.