Voicemail Message #1: Burnout
The first part of a two-part poem about cut ties and lost connections in the digital age.
(Illustration by Adelaide Magdalene Miller)
September 13, 2021
Not available.
At the tone,
P l e a s e
Record your message.
I’m still here.
It’s been a while.
55 days,
1320 hours,
79200 minutes,
still ticking on.
Since you’ve gone.
How have you been?
I’ve been doing well.
Thanks for asking.
The weather has been nice.
Yours too.
Oh, well, I still have your weather on my app.
I check it every now and then.
88 degrees.
Is it ever cloudy over there?
I still think about you,
when I’m alone,
when I’m with friends,
when I see others together.
When I look at the stars,
The moon,
The sun.
How you would point them out to me.
Hold my hand
Three pulses:
When I look at the stars,
I think about how cheesy you are
How I hate romances
But you’re a
hopeless romantic
You love clichés,
meanings from the meaningless.
I wonder if you are thinking about me
I got your package the other day.
I opened it.
Full of voodoo love
just kidding
A jar of oranges,
a wrinkled box of chocolates,
a bottle of iron pills
A note.
I read it.
It was sweet.
I pressed my fingers
into the pen marks,
felt for the dents
knowing your hand dealt them.
distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Disconnected yet connected
I just wanted
tell you
You have reached the time limit for this voicemail. Press 1 to continue recording. If you are finished recording, you may end the call or press 2.
A version of this piece appeared in the Monday, Sept. 13, 2021, e-print edition. Contact Bianca de Ayala at [email protected].