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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Exposure | Pillow Fight

Exposure | Pillow Fight

Katie Peurrung, Deputy Photo Editor April 9, 2018

Despite the “fight” in pillow fight, Saturday’s annual event in Washington Square Park felt more like a celebration than a battle. Pillow fighters young and old wailed...

Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray leaving the event.

New York City Remembers MLK on 50th Anniversary of Final Speech

Paul Kim, Staff Writer April 4, 2018
An event paying tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. was held in Washington Square Park Tuesday night on the 50th anniversary of his last speech.
Washington Square Park  full of American Flags to honor former FDNY marshal Christopher "Tripp" Zanetis.

Fallen NYU Fireman Honored by New York Community

Noah Mutterperl, Contributing Writer April 2, 2018
A memorial service was held Thursday in Washington Square Park for firefighter and NYU alum Tripp Zanetis (CAS '03), who died in a helicopter crash in Iraq earlier this month.
The Rise NYC hosting a class in Washington Square Park.

Break a Sweat Without Breaking The Bank

Rachel Buigas-Lopez, Creative Director March 26, 2018
Working out alone can be boring but going to classes around the city is expensive. Here are some hidden gems that won't drain your wallet.
On International Women’s Day, Mar. 8, people protested at Washington Square Park demanding women’s rights.

WSP Women’s Strike Met With Disruption by Far Right

Mack DeGeurin, News Editor March 9, 2018
Hundreds of women went on strike in Washington Square Park on International Women's Day this Thursday to rally for a variety of causes, including sanctuary for immigrants and more rights for labor unions.
Exposure | Lookalike: Dogs and Their Owners

Exposure | Lookalike: Dogs and Their Owners

Veronica Liow, Assistant Managing Editor March 5, 2018
The saying goes: you become the people you surround yourself with. Sometimes, you become your dog instead.
Book cover for NYU graduate Ian Mark’s debut novel “Love from Amanda to Zoey.”

WSN Alumnus Alphabetizes Life and Love at NYU

Julia Fields, Staff Writer March 5, 2018
Ian Mark captures every students’ feelings of loneliness by writing from experience. He lived it and now he shares his story in new book "Love from Amanda to Zoey."
WaSquaPa Is Not Just Ours

WaSquaPa Is Not Just Ours

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer February 12, 2018
The NYU community often takes Washington Square Park for granted, but it's not our park to begin with.
A photo by Nadia Benchallal currently on display at 19 Washington Square North as part of a new photography exhibit portraying refugee life in Djibouti. The exhibition will be on display now until May 30.

NYUAD Exhibit Comes to Washington Square

Devanshi Khetarpal, Staff Writer February 12, 2018
A new photography exhibit portraying refugee life in Djibouti from NYU Abu Dhabi opened at 19 Washington Square North on Feb. 4.
A squirrel gets ready to speed up his hibernation.

HUMOR: Park Squirrels Stock Up on Cocaine for the Winter

Ben Eisenberg, Contributing Writer November 14, 2017
Winter's going by real fast this year.
The Spooky Issue

The Spooky Issue

Andrew Heying, Opinion Editor October 30, 2017
Check out this week's spoooky stories about what haunts the streets and students of NYU.

The Bones of Washington Square Park

Jemima McEvoy, Managing Editor October 30, 2017

All of us have skeletons in our closets, but they’re hidden away and mostly metaphorical. For Washington Square Park, the skeletons of the past are instead kept underground and...