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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

Our editorial board looks back at the most important issues of the semester. From protecting abusers to neglecting its dining facilities, our university continues to ignore key student concerns in favor of its own priorities.
WSN Editorial Board December 2, 2019

Throughout the semester, we’ve been trying to understand NYU’s treatment of its students — more specifically, whether NYU is implicitly pro- or anti-student. A pro-student...

Liberal Studies Deserves Better

Liberal Studies Deserves Better

NYU’s refusal to treat LS students and faculty as equal to their peers in FAS means that the university has failed to recognize a significant portion of its own community.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 15, 2019

To say I was excited when I was accepted to NYU’s Liberal Studies program would be an understatement. But when I arrived on campus for Weekend on the Square, it seemed that not...

Stand With LS Professors, Even if NYU Won’t

Stand With LS Professors, Even if NYU Won’t

Professors hope to unionize for better working conditions in the university’s second-largest undergraduate program. NYU students, LS or otherwise, must hold the university accountable.
WSN Editorial Board November 4, 2019

Last week, professors within the Liberal Studies program confirmed that they’re looking to unionize due to dissatisfaction with their treatment by the university. The LS faculty...

The Graduate Student Organizing Committee urged NYU to fire Professor Avital Ronell, who sexually harassed a student she advised. (Photo Courtesy of GSOC)

Graduate Student Union Claps Back at NYU on Return of Professor Who Sexually Harassed Student

The Graduate Student Organizing Committee said NYU provided an inadequate response to its demands that the professor be fired.
Victor Porcelli, News Editor September 30, 2019

NYU and its graduate student union have been embroiled in a back-and-forth over whether or not the university should fire Professor Avital Ronell, who was found to have sexually...

Manipulative Language and Greed in Labor Politics

Manipulative Language and Greed in Labor Politics

With their rhetoric of freedom and liberty, politicians distract while they take rights from workers and empower corporations.
Scott Oatkin, Staff Writer September 24, 2019

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives was full of spirited debate on a piece of legislation called the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act. Forced arbitration, the practice...

GSOC’s Newest Fight for Survival

GSOC’s Newest Fight for Survival

Following a new National Labor Relations Board rule, graduate students’ right to organize is at stake. What does this mean for graduate student organizers in NYU’s Graduate Student Organizing Committee?
WSN Editorial Board September 23, 2019

On Friday, the National Labor Relations Board proposed redefining graduate students as nonworkers, effectively stripping them of their right to unionize. The proposal wouldn’t...

Teachers’ Strikes and the Resurrection of Labor Power

Teachers’ Strikes and the Resurrection of Labor Power

One writer’s take on the current wave of teachers’ strikes and what they mean for the future of progressive politics.
Cole Stallone, Deputy Opinion Editor February 13, 2019

This Monday, more than 5,000 educators went on strike in Denver. This was yet another in a series of recent large-scale strikes by teachers’ unions across the country. These...

Trudy Rudnick, president of Union Local 3882, was among three people arrested at last Thursday's rally. (Courtesy of Gary Scholchet, WSN Files Photo)

What Did NYU Look Like 25 Years Ago?

Pamela Jew and Jemima McEvoy and October 22, 2018
WSN pored over archives from 1993 and found that NYU life hasn't changed as much as you would think. 
How Unions Can Overcome the Collective Action Problem

How Unions Can Overcome the Collective Action Problem

Ignangeli Salinas-Muñiz, Contributing Writer February 20, 2018
The negotiations between UCATS Local 3882 and NYU demonstrates how unions can overcome the collective action problem.

The ongoing negotiation between NYU and the Union of Clerical, Administrative and Technical Staff still hasn’t reached a conclusion. Other meetings are scheduled for Nov. 7 and Nov. 14.

Union Negotiations Extend

Edoardo Bastianini, Contributing Writer November 6, 2017
NYU and Union of Clerical, Administrative and Technical Staff Local 3882 negotiated an extension of their current contract.
The union that represents a number of NYU staff will be negotiating contracts with the university on Sept. 18.

NYU and UCATS Local 3882 to Begin Negotiations

Mark Sheffer, Contributing Writer September 11, 2017
The current contract between a staff union and the university is soon to expire.
Columbia Ruling Wins Union Rights for Grads

Columbia Ruling Wins Union Rights for Grads

Sayer Devlin, Contributing Writer September 6, 2016
NYU's graduate student workers were officially recognized as employees of the university after a recent decision by the National Labor Relations Board.