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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Lizzie Maguire, Gallatin sophomore works at a PR firm 35 hours a week.

On the Job: Lizzie Maguire

Linda Yang, Contributing Writer September 30, 2015
The first in the 'On the Job' series, WSN talks demands and rewards of internships with Gallatin sophomore Lizzie Maguire

Poly students join life on the Square

Bridget Brown, Contributing Writer September 28, 2015
A glimpse into the lives of NYU Polytechnic students living on the Manhattan campus for the first time.
Stern elitism brings students no benefit

Stern elitism brings students no benefit

Max Schachere, Contributing Writer September 23, 2015
"IAMSTERN" is indicative of a wider problem concerning elitism among Stern students at NYU
NYU Poly’s annual cyber security competition gives opportunities for students to get involved in computer science.

Poly to hold Security Awareness Week

Tegan Mosugu, Contributing Writer September 21, 2015
NYU Poly is expanding the opportunities for high school students to get involved in their annual cybersecurity competition.
Andrew Gerst speaks at the NYU Brady Campaign Meeting in NYU Law’s Vanderbilt Hall.

Brady Campaign launches plan to reduce gun violence

Kati Garrity, Contributing Writer September 16, 2015
NYU students launch NYU branch of Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Students speak out against Harold Koh

Students speak out against Harold Koh

Alex Bazeley, Deputy News Editor April 30, 2015
Students held a protest against Harold Koh's appointment at NYU.

NYU Reacts: Speaker speculation

Alex Bazeley, Deputy News Editor April 22, 2015
Members of the NYU community shared their thoughts on who they want to commencement speaker to be.
Students listen during a vigil for the Kenyan students slain at Garissa University College last Thursday. The vigil started on the steps of Kimmel, where mourners took a five minute moment of silence and heard from a number of religious groups. Following the speeches, the group walked quietly to the square to set candles in the fountain.

Students mourn massacre victims

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 14, 2015
A vigil was held on the Kimmel staircase Monday for the students in Kenya killed by terrorists.

Students, faculty question fundraising techniques

Alanna Bayarin, News Editor March 31, 2015
The university is asking faculty members and current students to donate to the 1831 scholarship fund.
Students must complete the online course by April 15.

Course to address sexual assault

Marita Vlachou, News Editor March 11, 2015
NYU will be rolling out a mandatory online training program for students designed to address sexual misconduct.

Hate crimes require harsher punishment

WSN Editorial Board February 12, 2015
The fatal shooting of 3 Muslim students at UNC shows how intolerance hurts college towns.
Historians Peniel Joseph and Yohuru Willaims discuss Black Power, its relationship with American institutions and its continuing application today in the light of the Ferguson movement.

Historians talk about modern racism

Justine Morris, Contributing Writer February 11, 2015
NYU students, staff and alumni travelled to the State Capitol to advocate for the expansion of state financial aid with New York's most powerful decision-makers.