New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

All content by Max Schachere
Voting is Valuable, Regardless of Reason

Voting is Valuable, Regardless of Reason

Max Schachere, Staff Writer February 16, 2016
So, whether you like Hillary for her gender, Carson for his race, or Sanders for his accent, it does not matter – just vote.
Economic Views Cannot Oppose Social Views

Economic Views Cannot Oppose Social Views

Max Schachere, Staff Writer February 4, 2016
In the U.S., social policy is inherently tied to economic policy. However desirable a divergence might be, it is simply impossible to ever achieve.
Take Bobst out of the library

Take Bobst out of the library

Max Schachere, Staff Writer November 30, 2015
Bobst Library invokes a poisonous legacy, similar to that of Wilson and Calhoun, and should be renamed.
Claims of sexism against Sanders unfounded

Claims of sexism against Sanders unfounded

Max Schachere, Staff Writer November 23, 2015
Calling Bernie Sanders sexist is like calling Barack Obama racist. If actions speak louder than words, then people should look at Sanders voting history before any misconstrued soundbites.
Electoral college stymies democracy

Electoral college stymies democracy

Max Schachere, Staff Writer November 2, 2015
The electoral college is an obstacle for modern democracy and the proper enfranchisement of all voters. The state a voter resides in should have no bearing on how much their vote matters.
GMOs pose serious danger

GMOs pose serious danger

Max Schachere, Staff Writer October 22, 2015
In this week's point-counterpoint, staff writer Max Schachere argues against GMOs.
TPP is a bad deal for the US and the environment

TPP is a bad deal for the US and the environment

Max Schachere, Staff Writer October 19, 2015
The Trans-Pacific Partnership could spell disaster for the environment and the U.S. manufacturing sector.
Japan deal cause for concern in US

Japan deal cause for concern in US

Max Schachere, Contributing Writer October 5, 2015
A new Japanese military bill could harm the United States more than it could help us.
Stern elitism brings students no benefit

Stern elitism brings students no benefit

Max Schachere, Contributing Writer September 23, 2015
"IAMSTERN" is indicative of a wider problem concerning elitism among Stern students at NYU