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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Laura Rubio’s family recipe for Cuban guiso: kielbasa sausage, sweet corn, potatoes and pumpkin over white rice.

A Hearty Dish From Home

Laura Rubio, Staff Writer March 19, 2018
This week on Family Matters, read about a traditional birthday dish for one of our writers, Cuban Guiso.
The waiting area of the Moses Center for Students with Disabilities.

Moses Center’s Support for Students With Disabilities Falls Short

Darcey Pittman, Staff Writer March 19, 2018
Some students have expressed issues with how the Moses Center has attempted to accommodate students with disabilities.
Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Dasha Zagurskaya, Contributing Writer February 26, 2018
Student walkouts will not stop mass shootings.
Take It Slow, Liberal Studies

Take It Slow, Liberal Studies

Dasha Zagurskaya, Contributing Writer February 20, 2018
Liberal Studies should not be made its own school independent from the College of Arts and Sciences. The program is not fully developed and needs to attract more students before it is granted independence.
The Wealth Gap and Canada’s Golden Goose

The Wealth Gap and Canada’s Golden Goose

Victor Porcelli, Contributing Writer February 16, 2018
The wealth gap is steadily increasing in the United States, as is interest in luxury fashion.
Have A Class in Cantor? Dress Warmly

Have A Class in Cantor? Dress Warmly

Yale Buchwald, Contributing Writer February 13, 2018
The line outside of the Cantor Film Center is outrageous and needs to be stopped before students freeze or pedestrians are injured.
Hey NYU, Stop Romanticizing Mental Health Issues

Hey NYU, Stop Romanticizing Mental Health Issues

Monica Barrett, Contributing Writer February 13, 2018
Mental health issues are not trends that NYU students can use to develop their personal images. Having a mental illness is not quirky or romantic or edgy. Mental illnesses are real and we should think about them seriously.
Tide Pods, Barstool and Our Need to Go Viral

Tide Pods, Barstool and Our Need to Go Viral

Tyler Crews, Opinion Editor February 12, 2018
Social media trends perpetuate dangerous behavior due to our generation's willingness to pursue extremes in order to gain online attention.
A photo by Nadia Benchallal currently on display at 19 Washington Square North as part of a new photography exhibit portraying refugee life in Djibouti. The exhibition will be on display now until May 30.

NYUAD Exhibit Comes to Washington Square

Devanshi Khetarpal, Staff Writer February 12, 2018
A new photography exhibit portraying refugee life in Djibouti from NYU Abu Dhabi opened at 19 Washington Square North on Feb. 4.
Hamilton’s Affordability Project is Commendable But Inadequate

Hamilton’s Affordability Project is Commendable But Inadequate

Beth Sattur, Contributing Writer February 8, 2018
President Andrew Hamilton's Affordability Steering Committee's most recent efforts to make NYU more affordable are insufficient.
Salome Ramirez, a CAS junior part of the Hurricane Maria Assistance Program, discusses the struggles her and her family went through during the national disaster. Ramirez continues her studies in journalism at NYU with a minor in Psychology.

Starting Fresh after Hurricane Maria

Jendayi Omowale, Staff Writer February 5, 2018
Salome Ramirez is one of the many Puerto Rican students who were offered a scholarship by the Hurricane Maria Assistance Program
George Ciccariello-Maher appearing on MSNBC in 2015. Ciccariello is controversial for his opinions on white genocide and has recently been named a visiting scholar at NYU.

‘White Genocide’ Drexel Professor Taken on as Visiting Scholar

Sakshi Venkatraman and Mack DeGeurin January 22, 2018
George Ciccariello-Maher, former Drexel University Professor, is now a visiting scholar at NYU Tisch's Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics.