New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

When change in Missouri is not enough

When change in Missouri is not enough

Laura Adkins, Contributing Writer November 11, 2015
As much as I hope Missouri is on a progressive path toward a world where all students are cared for equally, it will take more than just removing the president to accomplish this.
[PHOTOS]: Divest demands accountability from NYU in face of climate change

[PHOTOS]: Divest demands accountability from NYU in face of climate change

Christine Wang, Deputy News Editor October 29, 2015
Members of NYU Divest occupied the main floor of Bobst Library to encourage NYU to divest from fossil fuels three years after Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast.
Boomers shouldn’t scapegoat millennials

Boomers shouldn’t scapegoat millennials

WSN Editorial Board October 13, 2015
Don't harp on millenials for being self-centered. We're struggling to improve the world just as much as any generation. Fixating on the perceived flaws of the generation is just distracting from the main issues.
Social justice movement has momentum now, must continue

Social justice movement has momentum now, must continue

Laura Adkins, Contributing Writer October 1, 2015
2015 has been good to social justice aficionados, but there's always more to do.

The Evolution of Fashion Week

Linda Yang, Contributing Writer September 21, 2015
The history of New York Fashion Week has seen a gradual evolution from business event to global spectacle. From artistic platform to social justice, the runway shows of NYFW are not just for editors anymore.
Art-ivism Issue

Art-ivism Issue

Alexa Spieler, Arts Editor April 9, 2015

  As progressive as today’s society appears to be, spaces about stigmatized issues like mental health, racial injustices, LGBTQ rights or the unequal representation...

Trigger warnings are references to traumas such as rape and can lead to episodes of PTSD for the reader or viewer.

Debate over trigger warnings in classrooms hits campus

Monica Millay October 20, 2014
Trigger warnings have recently come under fire in the realm of academia as to whether or not professors should include them in their syllabi.

Generation Citizen should receive NYU club status

February 5, 2013
Generation Citizen, an NYU club that is still lacking formal club status, is taking its mission to low-income and minority students in New York City public schools.