New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A laptop displaying the webpage of N.Y.U.’s Albert course registration system.

Noah Knows Best: Your course load needs to be perfect. Here’s how to make it happen.

Course registration can be a very complicated process, and many wind up unsatisfied with what they choose. Here's a guide on how to pick a schedule that works best for you.
Noah Zaldivar, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

One of the most stressful parts of college is selecting which classes you’re going to take each semester and when you’re going to take them. You log into one of NYU's many...

An illustration of the homepage of Albert, NYU’s online class registration portal. A purple horizontal box with white text reading “NYU” is at the top. Under this it reads “Albert,” and there is a purple shopping cart to the right side of the illustration.

How to survive course registration season

A guide to not being miserable next semester if your dream class fills up or you simply forget to register for classes. 
Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor April 25, 2022

Stowed away in my Google Drive is a document titled “Life Plans.” While admittedly a bit dramatic for its contents, it used to contain four combinations of classes for four...

NYU Albert website is run manually by one man, whose office is in Bobst LL3 so no one discovers him. His name is Albert. (Illustration by Jorene He)

Off-Third: Meet Albert, the Man Behind the Machine

One man has been manually operating Albert since the registration site was founded, and he hasn’t seen the light of day since.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 14, 2019

Many students believe that Albert, NYU’s course registration system, is named for Albert Gallatin, the university’s founder. Perhaps we believe this because it’s what we’ve...