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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

How Framing Directs the Democratic Debates

How Framing Directs the Democratic Debates

By turning Democratic policy into Republican talking points, debate moderators make the events about themselves and their potential profit rather than about the candidates.
Scott Oatkin, Staff Writer September 18, 2019

The Democratic debates have come and gone, and once more they have utterly failed to create the comprehensible and substantive discussion that voters long for. The candidates themselves...

Top 5 News Stories This Spring

Top 5 News Stories This Spring

Lexi Faunce, News Writer May 2, 2016
WSN reflects on the most popular news stories of the 2016 spring semester.
Here's Why Bernie Sanders Has the Youth Vote on Lockdown

Here’s Why Bernie Sanders Has the Youth Vote on Lockdown

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce April 14, 2016
A breakdown of Bernie Sanders' speech and reasons for his movement being favorable among millennials.
Bernie Sanders  is rallying for support in Washington Square Park ahead of next week's New York primary.

LIVE: Bernie Sanders Brings the Bern to Washington Square Park

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce April 13, 2016
NYU students prepare to "feel the Bern" as Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders will hold a rally in Washington Square Park tonight.
Support for Sanders Soars With Social Media, Rally on Saturday

Support for Sanders Soars With Social Media, Rally on Saturday

Lexi Faunce, News Editor January 30, 2016
Bernie Sanders supporters rallied around the presidential candidate's message in major U.S. cities on Saturday.