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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Other Music, a record shop that used to stand on the corner of East 4th Street and Lafayette, closed its doors in 2016. Tisch alumnus Rob Hatch-Miller and co-director Puloma Basu pay tribute in a newly released documentary. (Photo by Lukas Sheehan)

Other Music, Other Times

Tisch Alumnus Rob Hatch-Miller and co-director Puloma Basu remember Other Music and the community it fostered.
Nicolas Pedrero-Setzer, Music Editor April 27, 2020

After 20 years of musical wizardry, famed record shop Other Music shut its doors in 2016. With their latest documentary, Rob Hatch-Miller and Puloma Basu memorialize its magic,...

A turntable display in Good Records.

An Old Music Style Becomes New: Records

Beth Sattur, Contributing Writer March 1, 2018
Looking for some new vinyls to add to your collection? Here are some of the best record stores around NYU.
Generation Records, with an emphasis on punk and metal, at 210 Thompson Street.

Five Record Stores to Ramp Up Your Vinyl Collection

Dyanna Fleites-Cruz, Contributing Writer October 4, 2016
Looking for some more vinyl to add to your collection? Check out these neat record stores around campus.