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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A collage of five pictures of differently prepared dates.

Break your fast with these 5 stuffed date recipes this Ramadan

From peanut butter to mascarpone, bring the tradition of breaking fast with elevated dates to your dorm room kitchen.
Taylor Grace Heller, Contributing Writer March 14, 2024

As Ramadan begins, many fasting students may be missing home a little more than usual. The family iftars, or evening meals, meetings at the local mosques and home cooking feel...

An illustration of a pair of hands holding prayer beads on a black background.

Breaking fasts, building faith: The beauty of community during Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan has always held a special place in my heart. Now that I am away from home and family, my friends at NYU have helped me maintain a sense of community.
Noor Maahin, Staff Writer March 11, 2024

My earliest memories of Ramadan are vivid, enveloping my mind in warmth and nostalgia. I can smell my mother’s cooking, I can hear the laughter around the dinner table, I can...

An illustration of a pan with deep fried battered vegetables, a dish with red sauce, a dish with green sauce and a pan with yogurt-covered dough balls.

Recipes for Ramadan: Dahi bara and vegetable pakora your mother would love

Ramadan away from home may seem tough, but these easy-to-make dahi bara and vegetable pakora recipes will make it less rough.
Maryam Babar, Contributing Writer March 5, 2024

We all have a favorite time of year we look forward to, whether it be a special holiday, a birthday, an anniversary — you name it. My favorite time of the year is Ramadan, the...

The flag of Palestine is unfurled by a group standing in a crowd in Times Square.

Hundreds protest Israeli mosque raid at Times Square

Members of NYU’s Students for Justice in Palestine joined a crowd that gathered on Saturday to protest the Israeli military’s recent raid of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Yezen Saadah, News Editor April 11, 2023

More than 1,000 people gathered in Times Square on Saturday afternoon to protest the Israeli military’s raids of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem last week, which were...

The Soapbox is a weekly news column rounding up stories worth reading for a global university. (Staff Illustration by Susan Behrends Valenzuela)

The Soapbox: Tension in Palestine, Indigenous representation in Australia, migrant housing in the UK 

The Soapbox is a weekly column by WSN covering major news developments at NYU’s campuses and study away sites abroad. Global consciousness for a global university.
Yezen Saadah, News Editor April 7, 2023

In occupied Palestine, an Israeli military raid condemned by Arab states Dozens of armed Israeli officers raided Al-Aqsa Mosque in east Jerusalem on Tuesday and Wednesday during...

An illustration of a pavilion with a dome, covered in stained-glass-like art against the night sky with crescent moon and stars. Smaller domes lay behind the center one, which has a clear middle above an ornate bottom.

Celebrating Ramadan and the Muslim experience at NYU

Ramadan, the month of fasting for Muslims, is upon us. With celebration and faith come questions and concerns for Muslims here at NYU and in the city.
Pritheva Zakaria, Contributing Writer March 22, 2023

The month of Ramadan begins on the evening of March 22. For one month, from sunrise to sunset leading up to Eid, the practice of fasting and the celebration of breaking fast is...

The interior of a restaurant with a large table where multiple young people are seated. There are plates of food and beverages. The chef is standing behind the table.

Campus, cooking and community: Ramadan at NYU Abu Dhabi

Ramadan celebrations enriched the experience of visiting students at NYU Abu Dhabi, shifting their perceptions of the holy month.
Stefan Mitikj, Contributing Writer May 6, 2022

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — The Islamic holy month of Ramadan began in the United Arab Emirates on April 2 and ended on May 1. During Ramadan, Muslims who are able to fast...

A crowd surrounds a memorial filled with candles, flowers, posters and Israeli flags in front of a storefront.

Mass shooting near NYU Tel Aviv campus prompts university response

After a shooting in Tel Aviv last week and a number of attacks in Israel over the last month, site administrators advised students to exercise greater caution and avoid traveling outside of Tel Aviv.
Maria Freyre, Senior Staff Writer April 12, 2022

NYU Tel Aviv provided transportation back to campus and advised students to temporarily stay indoors after a mass shooting near campus on April 7. The shooting left three dead...

An illustration of students sitting in a colloquium room for a student government meeting. On the left, a purple banner with the NYU torch logo hangs on the wall and reads “‘NYU SGA.”

Student gov’t champions divestment and grad student pay

The Student Government Assembly passed resolutions proposed by Sunrise Movement NYU and a member of the Graduate Student Organizing Committee during its meeting on March 2.
Abby Wilson, Deputy News Editor March 7, 2022

The Student Government Assembly passed four resolutions addressing NYU’s divestment from the fossil fuel industry, the Graduate Student Organizing Committee’s demands for back...

Ramadan is a Muslim holy month of prayer, fasting, as well as good food and community. NYU students share their favorite food memories of Ramadan and their plans to celebrate the holiday this year. (Photos by Asma Bawla, Staff Illustration by Alexandra Chan)

NYU students embrace traditional foods during Ramadan

NYU students on and off campus share their favorite food-related memories of Ramadan and how they plan to celebrate the holiday in light of COVID-19.
Gabby Lozano, Dining Editor April 16, 2021

Last Monday marked the beginning of the Muslim holiday Ramadan. Prior to my conversations with my interviewees, I thought it was a holy month filled with prayer and fasting. I’m...

As commuter students, Sarah Elfarra (left) and Melanie Mohsen (right), spend their time between classes on the fourth floor of G-CASL to be close to the mosque prayer space. (Photo by Ali Zimmerman)

Making Space for Religion at Secular NYU

At a secular institution like NYU, being a devout student of faith can be an isolating experience, but within religious centers, tight-knit student networks offer support and friendship.
Ali Zimmerman, Staff Writer February 3, 2020

The end of spring marks Melanie Mohsen’s favorite time of year. Beginning on April 23rd, she along with millions of other Muslims around the world celebrate Ramadan. During this...

All Student Government meetings take place in the GCASL Colloquium room on the fifth floor. (Staff Photo by Marva Shi)

Student Government’s Semester-in-Review

This semester, NYU’s Student Government Assembly emphasized constituency outreach through town halls, diversity in Alternate Senator at-Large positions and more.
Ishaan Parmar and Victor Porcelli December 2, 2019

Besides letters of support, NYU’s Student Government Assembly did not pass — or even present — a single resolution this semester. Instead, it has focused efforts on enacting...