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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Gallatin first-year Liv Solomon pursues several art forms in her free time. In addition to photography, she has also ventured into film, modeling, and drawing tattoos. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

This First Year Multidisciplinary Artist Does It All

Liv Solomon tattoos in her free time, along with photography, film, visual art and modeling.
Alex Christiano, Contributing Writer March 9, 2020

A quick glance at Gallatin first-year Liv Solomon’s Instagram tells you all you need to know about the depth of her artistic talent. Her pages, @livsolomon and @livmarked, are...

Border Talks aims to discuss issues pertaining to borders and resistance. The first of two talks was hosted by the NYU Liberal Studies program. (Photo by Franswa Zhang)

NYU Hosts First Border Talk: Borders as a Concept

NYU hosted the first in a series of panels discussing geographical borders on Tuesday, focusing particularly on hard borders and migration.
Franzwa Zhang, Contributing Writer February 27, 2020

Around 50 NYU students and faculty members gathered on the 5th floor of 20 Cooper Square Tuesday afternoon, attending the first installment of a series of panel conversations on...

Are Caucuses Hurting Our Democracy?

Are Caucuses Hurting Our Democracy?

Sam O’Donnell, Contributing Writer February 18, 2020

Dating back to the 1800s, caucuses have been essential to the U.S. electoral system. The presidential race begins with caucuses in Iowa where the nominee for the two major parties...

Don’t Be Racist About the Health Crisis

Don’t Be Racist About the Health Crisis

People can be smart about hygiene without diving into racist tirades against the people that need the most help.
Alexandra Chan, Deputy Photo Editor February 3, 2020

News of the novel coronavirus has spread quickly, and as a result, also led to the promotion of racist and xenophobic reactions. Fear of the spread of the virus is understandable,...

NYU students preparing for early vote. (Photo by Justin Park)

How NYU Students Prep for the Election Season

Political unease encourages these NYU students to prep early for the upcoming presidential election.
Tatiana Velasco, Deputy Culture Editor January 27, 2020

The new year typically prompts feeling of hope and optimism, but students struggle to shake their anxieties as the nation’s political climate remains muddled in turmoil. As students...

alexandra chan

US Politicians Don’t Know How to Deal With Hong Kong

The fight for democracy in Hong Kong deserves better than the political maneuvering and schemes of U.S. politicians.
Alexandra Chan, Staff Writer November 4, 2019

Images of a rally outside the U.S. embassy in Hong Kong peppered local news outlets and social media in September. Protesters clad in black waved U.S. flags, asking the supposed...

Houston general manager Daryl Morey’s tweet in support of Hong Kong sparked outrage from Chinese fans. (Via Getty)

The NBA Wants You to Forget About Hong Kong

With the start of the NBA regular season last week, the league thinks it has moved on from its China controversy. But the protests are still continuing, and so should the conversation.
Bin Cho, Staff Writer October 28, 2019

In their 21st consecutive week, demonstrations in Hong Kong have become increasingly violent. A police officer shot an 18-year-old protestor earlier this month. Despite attempts...

Buenos Aires Climate Strike

Buenos Aires Climate Strike

Last month’s climate march was a global event; here is a look at the vibrant and energetic protests that occurred in Buenos Aires, Argentina, featuring some NYU students as well.
Ana Marazzi, Exposures Staff Photographer October 18, 2019

The Supreme Court of the United States is currently in debate over employers can fire LGBTQ+ individuals because of their sexual or gender identity. (Staff Photo by Marva Shi)

Students Fear Upcoming Supreme Court Decision on LGBTQ Workplace Discrimination

With a majority-conservative Supreme Court, students are not confident that LGBTQ workers will remain protected from discrimination.
Lisa Cochran, Deputy News Editor October 15, 2019

After the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments for three labor discrimination cases on the grounds of transgender identity and sexuality last week, members of NYU’s LGBTQ community...

NYU’s new Center for Social Media and Politics is studying how social media impacts politics, including how fake news is spread. (Photo by Christian Forte)

NYU Launches Center for Social Media and Politics After Rise of Fake News, Russian Trolls

The center will study the role of social media in politics, including how social media influences political ideologies and how fake news is spread.
Akiva Thalheim, Social Media Editor October 14, 2019

The university has received approximately $12 million in funding to establish a new Center for Social Media and Politics, which will research topics like how social media affects...

Imagining President Pence

Imagining President Pence

With the looming possibility of impeachment and the removal of President Trump, it is important to prepare for the realities of a Pence presidency.
Jun Sung, Deputy Opinion Editor October 1, 2019

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry for President Donald Trump. Because of his crimes, the House and the Senate should investigate, impeach...

Manipulative Language and Greed in Labor Politics

Manipulative Language and Greed in Labor Politics

With their rhetoric of freedom and liberty, politicians distract while they take rights from workers and empower corporations.
Scott Oatkin, Staff Writer September 24, 2019

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives was full of spirited debate on a piece of legislation called the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act. Forced arbitration, the practice...