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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Don’t Discredit This Opinion

Don’t Discredit This Opinion

Victor Porcelli, Contributing Writer February 20, 2018
We as humans rely on our ability to interpret, perceive and infer in our everyday lives. So why are opinions –– an extension of this interpretation –– seen as unnecessary?
Snapchat Values Ad Revenue Over User Experiences

Snapchat Values Ad Revenue Over User Experiences

Mert Erenel, Staff Writer February 20, 2018
Do not be fooled, the Snapchat update was not created in order to get you to have a more personal experience on social media. Snapchat's new update was created so that the app could rake in more ad revenue.
Take It Slow, Liberal Studies

Take It Slow, Liberal Studies

Dasha Zagurskaya, Contributing Writer February 20, 2018
Liberal Studies should not be made its own school independent from the College of Arts and Sciences. The program is not fully developed and needs to attract more students before it is granted independence.
Stamp Out Sexual Harassers

Stamp Out Sexual Harassers

WSN Editorial Board February 19, 2018
NYU needs to be proactive by investigating potential professors in order to ensure that our campus is not open to sexual assailants and harassers.
Short-Term Consequences and a Lack of Transparency Won’t Change Toxic Frat Culture

Short-Term Consequences and a Lack of Transparency Won’t Change Toxic Frat Culture

WSN Editorial Board February 16, 2018
Cornell's minimal punishment for ZBT "pig roast" and NYU's lack of transparency prove greater measures must be taken to combat fraternity and sorority misconduct.
Level Up the Bookstore, NYU

Level Up the Bookstore, NYU

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer February 16, 2018
The NYU Bookstore is impractical and should be redesigned for greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Tinder Is Killing Modern Romance

Tinder Is Killing Modern Romance

Dasha Zagurskaya, Contributing Writer February 14, 2018
Tinder is ruining Valentine's Day by reducing relationships to physicality and cyber interactions.
Hamilton’s Response to NYUAD Is a Step Closer to Adequate

Hamilton’s Response to NYUAD Is a Step Closer to Adequate

WSN Editorial Board February 14, 2018
NYU took a necessary step in establishing protocols with NYU Abu Dhabi to deal with visa applications, appeal processes, communications and the university’s annual global mobility report. However, President Andrew Hamilton must address the alleged religious discrimination and lack of academic freedom at NYU Abu Dhabi.
Have A Class in Cantor? Dress Warmly

Have A Class in Cantor? Dress Warmly

Yale Buchwald, Contributing Writer February 13, 2018
The line outside of the Cantor Film Center is outrageous and needs to be stopped before students freeze or pedestrians are injured.
Hey NYU, Stop Romanticizing Mental Health Issues

Hey NYU, Stop Romanticizing Mental Health Issues

Monica Barrett, Contributing Writer February 13, 2018
Mental health issues are not trends that NYU students can use to develop their personal images. Having a mental illness is not quirky or romantic or edgy. Mental illnesses are real and we should think about them seriously.
Don’t Ignore the Homeless

Don’t Ignore the Homeless

Ignangeli Salinas-Muñiz February 12, 2018
Homelessness around the NYU campus is too often ignored and stigmatized.
The Destruction of a Black New York Community

The Destruction of a Black New York Community

Tianne Johnson, Contributing Writer February 12, 2018
Appreciating different cultures is not enough. We must try to understand the hardships of oppressed cultures in order to move toward social justice.