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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

President Hamilton conducted his second town hall in Hayden Hall's commuter den on Thursday.

President Hamilton Addresses IEC, Affordability in Second Town Hall

Maria Torres, Contributing Writer March 31, 2016
President Andrew Hamilton held his second town hall meeting of the semester on Thursday, March 31.
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions group are working to stop the Israel’s military presence in Palestine.

GSOC Voting on Boycott of Israel

Olivia Roos, Contributing Writer March 28, 2016
NYU's graduate worker union may be the first private university union to join Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.
Greentown Labs assists startups associated with sustainable energy and the environment.

NYU Incubator Makes Clean Team

Momachi Pabrai, Contributing Writer March 28, 2016
CleanTech startup incubator is working with NYU Tandon's Accelerator for a Clean and Renewable Economy to create a new Network Expansion Program.
With his campaign kickstarting in Brooklyn, NYU students have the opportunity to show their support in the days leading up the New York primary.

Bernie Campaign Takes on Brooklyn

Carlos Michael Rodriguez, Contributing Writer March 28, 2016
New York's Official Bernie 2016 Campaign was launched this weekend with State Directors and campaign organizers.
For 36 hours, students from the IEC occupied the Kimmel lobby to #banthebox from the Common Application.

Here’s What You Missed in March

Greta Chevance, Deputy News Editor March 28, 2016
Top 5 March news coverage from WSN.

Crime Log: March 19-24

Greta Chevance, Deputy News Editor March 28, 2016

The NYU Department of Public Safety received one report of controlled substance, one report of harassment, one report of arson and six reports of larceny between March 19 and...

Finding Unity on Campus Amidst Global Violence

Finding Unity on Campus Amidst Global Violence

Yeho Hwang, Contributing Writer March 25, 2016
NYU student organizations are hosting a community-wide vigil in response to the attacks in Belgium and Turkey.
Amid claims that NYU does not foster an inclusive environment for people of color, a new lawsuit against the university claims that an employee faced discrimination in his time here.

Tax Returns Snafu Hits International Students with Fees

Kati Garrity, Staff Writer March 25, 2016
NYU is among various colleges at which international students have yet to receive their tax returns.
Charlton McIlwain, associate professor of MCC in the Steinhardt School and Task-Force co-chair, talks to Andrew Hamilton about the Ad Hoc task force. (via

New University Task Force Furthers NYU Diversity Efforts

Yulin Lou, Contributing Writer March 4, 2016
The Ad Hoc Advisory Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion will promote diversity and inclusion through different university initiatives.
NYU Senior, Madison McCormick, has been working on a sticker series titled “#crumblingborders” in a bid to raise awareness of the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

A Cause That Will Stick With You: Street Art Project Raises Refugee Awareness

Yulin Lou, Contributing Writer February 26, 2016
Leitkultur and Tag & Seek team up to raise money for the Syrian refugee crisis through the arts.
NYU graduate students and faculty test Holojam, a virtual reality headset created by NYU Professor, Kenneth Perlin.

Virtual Reality Is Basically Just Reality Now, Thanks to This NYU Professor

Kate Howard, Contributing Writer February 26, 2016
NYU programmers create a project to allow for human interaction when in Virtual Reality.
Founding CTO of Audible To Be Final Entrepreneurs Festival Keynote Speaker

Founding CTO of Audible To Be Final Entrepreneurs Festival Keynote Speaker

Lexi Faunce, News Editor February 26, 2016
Guy Story was announced as the third and final speaker for the upcoming NYU Entrepreneurs Festival.