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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Michael Rectenwald, Liberal Studies clinical assistant professor, has been condemned and punished by members of the department for his controversial @antipcnyuprof twitter account.

Anti-PC NYU Professor Put on Paid Leave

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor October 31, 2016
Deplorable NYU Professor is now on paid leave for the rest of the semester.
Censorship of @antipcnyuprof is Problematic

Censorship of @antipcnyuprof is Problematic

WSN Editorial Board October 31, 2016
Rectenwald’s conduct was inappropriate, but the school’s rash decision to put him on ice has potentially far-reaching consequences.
Jessamine Irwin was preparing to be late to teaching her French class last Thursday because of the trains. Then she took a slight detour.

We Talked to the Professor Who Saved Someone’s Life Last Week

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 18, 2016
WSN catches up with French professor who saved a young boy from a subway attack.
Ben Williams and Jenny Seastone Stern performing a scene from Julia Jarcho’s “American Treasure.”

Professor, playwright Julia Jarcho combines academia and theater

Abraham Gross, Staff Photographer November 5, 2015
NYU English professor Julia Jarcho presented scenes from several of her distinctive, witty plays.

Questions bubble up in ‘Soda Politics’

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer October 19, 2015
Marion Nestle takes on soft drinks in her latest book.
Songs teach Ebola prevention

Songs teach Ebola prevention

Sam Del Rowe October 27, 2014
Carlos Chirinos, a visiting professor at Steinhardt, has been working to combat the Ebola epidemic with the aid of an unlikely ally: music.

Amtrak sponsors train residency

Kendall Levison October 6, 2014
Three NYU professors were recently selected to be a part of a residency program by Amtrak that allows writers to go on a long train ride and write.
Jonathan Viventi explains how a brain interface is used.

Professor named MIT innovator, praised for brain research

Dhriti Tandon October 2, 2014
The Polytechnic School of Engineering’s assistant professor of computer and electrical engineering Jonathan Viventi earned a spot on MIT's "Top 35 Innovators under 35" list of 2014 for his research on electrical signals in the brain.

Study focuses on biomechanics

Avani Hegde, Contributing Writer September 15, 2014
Sonja Molfenter, an Assistant Professor at Steinhardt, explores the differences in swallowing function between women and men which could result in more targeted treatments for swallowing disorders.