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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Students vocalized their dismay towards a feeling of anti-Palestinian culture within the NYU Law School on Friday.

Vigil held for citizens of Palestine

Thomas Peracchio, Staff Writer November 9, 2015
Law students held a vigil on Friday for the dehumanization of Palestinians, both overseas and within the NYU Law School.
A club that supports students in the military was in the process of creation, but ended up being rejected

Group hosts week in honor of veterans

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 9, 2015
NYU Military Alliance is hosting its First Annual Veterans Appreciation Week.
Rachael Metcalf and Mariana Villanueva discuss how race plays a role in politics in a discussion held on November 3, 2015 in CMEP.

Students host discussion on white privilege

Kati Garrity, Staff Writer November 3, 2015
NYU Center for Multicultural Education and Programs host "Unpacking Whitness" in an attempt to address white privilege in American politics.
Nahal Toosi moderates a discussion about America’s use of drone strikes with panelists Jameel Jafer, Scott Shane, and Jeremy Waldren.

Panel stirs public debate about drone program

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 28, 2015
NYU Law hosts panel with professors and academics about U.S. drone policy over the past few years.

Crime Log: Oct. 5-12

Christine Wang, Deputy News Editor October 19, 2015
A weekly recap of crime on the NYU campus.
The new purple dot anti-smoking campaign has seen limited success amongst students.

Tobacco-free initiative struggles to spark among students

Dan Moritz-Rabson, Contributing Writer October 6, 2015
Following up on NYU's Purple Dot anti-smoking campaign.
The MTA is taking steps to reduce the number of crashes caused by buses.

MTA experiments with new tech to prevent bus crashes

Thomas Peracchio, Contributing Writer October 6, 2015
MTA has approved new measures to prevent bus accidents.
An NYU bus hit a pedestrian at the intersection of 3rd avenue and 10th street.

NYU bus strikes pedestrian

Alex Bazeley, News Editor October 6, 2015
An NYU bus struck a woman on Third Avenue.
NYU’s inaugural Leadership Week aims to connect students with leaders in their respective fields of study.

NYU kicks off first Leadership Week

Alice Zhang, Contributing Writer October 5, 2015
NYU held its inaugural leadership week.

Crime Log: Sept. 28-Oct. 4

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 5, 2015
A weekly round-up of crime at NYU.
NYU Langone was ranked as having the top patient safety and quality among leading academic medical centers.

Langone gets award for outstanding healthcare

Thomas Peracchio, Contributing Writer October 5, 2015
NYU Langone was ranked as having the top patient safety & quality among leading academic medical centers.
Debate club discusses issues of immigration

Debate club discusses issues of immigration

Alice Zhang, Contributing Writer September 29, 2015
Professor Lawrence Mead hosted a debate on the topic "Does Immigration Weaken American Individualism?"