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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The first season of Netflix's newest original series, "Santa Clarita Diet," debuted on Friday, February 3.  The show combines gore and comedy with Drew Barrymore's role as a cannibalistic suburban mom.

Drew Barrymore and Cast Carry Netflix Original

Julian Wright, Contributing Writer February 7, 2017
Netflix's new series has the makings for a great appetizer, but perhaps not enough meat to be a main course.
Netflix has added an offline viewing option which allows subscribers to download shows to watch without internet connection.

Four Fashionable Shows for Your Binge Watching Needs

Gabriella Bower, Beauty & Style Editor December 1, 2016
These four shows are fabulously fashionable and available on Netflix for all your binge watching needs.
Bad TV Is Ruining Binge-Watching

Bad TV Is Ruining Binge-Watching

Phoebe Kuo, Staff Writer November 11, 2016
We are constantly waiting to be amused, yet no matter how exciting that teaser trailer is, we more often than not end up disappointed.
Faith Gates challenged herself to go a week without Netflix.

I Tried… Giving Up Netflix for a Week

Faith Gates, Staff Writer November 4, 2016
Netflix is often a comfort for students at the end of a long day. But what happens if you had to give it up for a week? Read on to find out!
For some students, cold weather brings with it that all-too-familiar urge to find a significant other.

Fall Into a Relationship This Cuffing Season

Camille Larkins, Staff Writer November 1, 2016
Cuffing season is no myth: NYU students are taking it upon themselves to enter into new relationships to warm them through the winter months.
Scene from Marvel's TV Series Luke Cage.

Luke Cage Is Not Just Relevant — It’s Excellent

Carter Glace, Staff Writer October 6, 2016
In a time where there are more black people incarcerated than there were recorded slaves in the history of the United States, Luke Cage brings a much-needed bulletproof black man to the screen and gives Marvel the revival it much needed.
Pop-Up Luke's Invokes 'Gilmore Girls' Nostalgia

Pop-Up Luke’s Invokes ‘Gilmore Girls’ Nostalgia

WSN Staff October 6, 2016
For a day, WSN staffers got to pretend they were in Stars Hollow thanks to Netflix and coffeeshops across NYC.
The Ultimate Debate: Netflix or Cable TV?

The Ultimate Debate: Netflix or Cable TV?

Lily Dolin, Staff Writer September 29, 2016
Why watch cable when you could watch Netflix?
Cable vs. Netflix: Why Cable Should Win

Cable vs. Netflix: Why Cable Should Win

Anubhuti Kumar, Staff Writer September 29, 2016
Why watch Netflix when you can watch cable?
Netflix Shows For Your Next Study Break

Netflix Shows For Your Next Study Break

Jordan Reynolds, Entertainment Editor August 28, 2016

Every college student knows that the only way to properly take a break from studying is to kick back and relax with some Netflix. While its movie selection may be lacking, there’s...

The second season of Netflix’s original series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was released on April 15th.

Kimmy Schmidt Still Unbreakable

Anubhuti Kumar, Staff Writer April 18, 2016
The new season of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" premiered on Netflix over the weekend and it continues the quality of the first.
The “Pilot Co-Pilots!” podcast features two Tisch alumni reviewing TV show pilots.

‘Pilot Co-Pilots!’ Recs New TV

Andres Osorio, Contributing Writer April 11, 2016
On "Pilots Co-Pilots!," two NYU alums review first episodes of new TV shows and talk to leaders in the industry.