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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The NYU Student Labor Action Movement recently protested from Bobst to NYU’s Law School regarding NYU’s low student pay.

SLAM Protests to Rename Moelis Institute

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 7, 2016
Protesters from the Student Labor Action Movement gathered this weekend to fight for student worker rights.

Yelp and the Erosion of Institutional Accountability

Ana Lopez, Contributing Writer February 23, 2016
It’s all too distressing that this is the kind of labor force that college students are being thrown into — the most exciting areas of industry are also the ones where employees seem to matter the least. And
Employees Get the Short End of the Share Economy

Employees Get the Short End of the Share Economy

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 16, 2016
Yet for workers at these companies the end results are not as idyllic. In the share economy, workers often bear costs which more traditional businesses normally would.
Fair pay for NYU student workers

Fair pay for NYU student workers

Ryan Thomas, Student Senator November 23, 2015
Proactively addressing students’ concerns about the affordability of education at NYU will further demonstrate the incoming administration’s commitment to improving the university and ensuring fair compensation.
Braving the rain, students gather in Washington Square Park to protest wages provided by NYU for their student employees.

Student-workers Fight for 15 on National Day of Action

Ryan Matera, Staff Writer November 11, 2015
NYU student-workers took to Washington Square Park on Tuesday for a National Day of Action to fight for a $15 minimum wage.
$15 wage will accelerate automation

$15 wage will accelerate automation

Matthew Tessler, Deputy Opinion Editor April 21, 2015
The Fight for 15 campaign is admirable but won't have the desired positive impact if the jobs of minimum wage workers are replaced by machines.
$15 wage necessary for workers

$15 wage necessary for workers

Richard Shu, Deputy Copy Chief April 21, 2015
The current minimum wage is not enough to make rent in the Bronx, and should be raised to $15.
Protesters took Columbia on Wednesday to demand an increase on minimum wage.

Protest held for minimum wage hike

Mike Adams, Contributing Writer April 16, 2015
Fast food workers across the country went on strike to fight for $15 minimum wage, while students rallied to show their support.

McDonald’s should take a wage hike

WSN Editorial Board April 6, 2015
McDonald's recent wage increases are encouraging, but not enough to increase quality of life for minimum wage workers.
Members of SLAM occupy the McDonald’s on Broadway demanding higher minimum wages.

SLAM protests for minimum wage raise

Amanda Morris, Contributing Writer April 2, 2015
The NYU Student Labor Action Movement participated in a Fight For $15 action as fast food workers demand $15/hr and a union.
Walmart wage hike too little, too late

Walmart wage hike too little, too late

Kenny Kyunghoon Lee, Contributing Writer March 2, 2015
Walmart's recent raise of the minimum wage is not a large enough step to truly affect income inequality in America, and NYC should continue to bar them from building in the city.

Tipping fails workers

WSN Editorial Board February 3, 2015
The New York State wage board's recommendation to raise the tipped workers minimum wage is a band-aid for the misguided institution of tipping.