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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

“Nise: The Heart of Madness" is about psychiatrist Dr. Nise da Silver, who uses paints, dogs and love to start a revolution in which she raises awareness for those with schizophrenia.

In ‘Nise,’ One Woman Changes the Way We Treat Madness

Zuzia Czemier-Wolonciej, Staff Writer April 27, 2017
Director Roberto Berliner’s quietly scrutinizing camera brings the life of famed psychiatrist Dr. Nise da Silveira — a pioneer in moving away from ice-pick lobotomies to more humane, expressive therapies — to life in "Nise: The Heart of Madness."
Don’t Discourage Discussing Mental Illness

Don’t Discourage Discussing Mental Illness

Henry Cohen, Staff Writer April 3, 2017
Unfortunately, this shift in what is and is not acceptable to say has created a dangerously misguided flipside, specifically when well-meaning people discourage others from saying that they feel depressed or anxious when they “don’t really mean it.”
Celebrities Cannot Be Leaders of Mental Health Movement

Celebrities Cannot Be Leaders of Mental Health Movement

Cara Zambrano, Staff Writer March 28, 2017
Celebrities’ experiences are not representative of much of the population, and resources are easily available to them. Even though famous people should still be honest about their problems, they should bring these topics to the table without being the predominant voices of these issues.
The NYU Student Health Center at 726 Broadway.

NYU Therapy Redirects Students To Outside Services

Caroline Haskins, Staff Writer March 22, 2017
Students find that the school's wellness center does not help them enough with finding mental health care.
The bizarre thriller, “The Institute,” directed by James Franco and Pamela Romanowsky, opened on March 3.

New Film ‘The Institute’ Satisfies With a Twist

Anubhuti Kumar, Staff Writer March 8, 2017
James Franco and Pamela Romanowsky’s latest directing venture "The Institute" is less of a thriller than the same-old psych ward mystery flick, though its twist ending keeps it from being a copycat work.
The Health Issue

The Health Issue

Diamond Naga Siu, Editor-in-Chief February 27, 2017

Health comes from the ethereal to very physical — whether a motivational quote gets you through the day or slipping on a condom gets you through the night, many factors help...

Pets Offer Release for Overtaxed Students

Pets Offer Release for Overtaxed Students

Veronica Liow, Contributing Writer December 5, 2016
To better the community by decreasing mental illness and promoting physical activity, NYU should change their housing policy to allow pets in residence halls.
Written and directed by Kelly Fremon Craig, "The Edge of Seventeen" will be premiered in theaters on November 18th.

‘Edge of Seventeen’ Models Teen Angst in Digital Age

Natalie Whalen, Staff Writer November 18, 2016
"The Edge of Seventeen" takes the age-old teen film genre and refreshes it with not just a visually striking but powerfully relevant look at teenage-hood in the modern age.
The Mental Health Issue

The Mental Health Issue

Alex Bazeley, Editor-in-Chief November 14, 2016

It's no secret that college students face stress on a near-daily basis. The pressures to succeed can sometime be too much of a weight to bear, pushing some students to a breaking...

The Mental Climate on a Sprawling Campus

The Mental Climate on a Sprawling Campus

Alex Bazeley, Editor-in-Chief November 14, 2016

Anna Letson To someone outside the school, mentioning the words “mental health” and “NYU” in the same breath might evoke memories of news headlines from the early 2000s,...

Athletes’ mental struggle is often overlooked in favor of their physical feats.

A Battle on the Field and in the Mind

Rayne Ellis, Contributing Writer November 14, 2016
Athletes put their bodies through massive amounts of pain and stress, but little attention is given to the pain and stress of the mind.
Paul Giamatti, a reputable actor, participated by reading three pieces of Nijinsky's.

Giamatti as Nijinsky: A Legend Worthy of the Role

Hailey Nuthals, Arts Editor October 28, 2016
Famed ballerina Vaslav Nijinsky's diaries were brought to something more than life on Monday night's reading by actor Paul Giamatti.