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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

An illustration of a woman with her eyes closed laying down against a red background. Numerous connectors and cords are attached to her face via white patches.

Patients remain conscious during cardiac arrest, NYU study finds

The study is the first to find potential evidence of conscious thoughts during near-death experiences and found brain waves associated with high-level thinking up to an hour into CPR.
Bryn Borzillo, Senior Staff Writer December 6, 2022

One in five people who survive cardiac arrest have conscious lucid experiences during the episode, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at NYU’s Grossman School...

Illustrated by Rachel Lee.

If Buildings Could Hold Memories

An ode to my freshman dorm.
Vaishnavi Naidu, Contributing Writer April 22, 2020

As I lie in bed I can’t help but look out the window At the Manhattan skyline grid that comforted me on restless nights On other nights I look at the art I’ve hung up...

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

to the wildlife we have destroyed 

Rachel Lee, Under the Arch Voices Illustrator December 5, 2019

to the wildlife we have destroyed  Though your presence May have left I will try my best To keep your memory  Alive   Telling stories of  How you  Lived  in...

The YouTube logo. (via WikiMedia)

YouTube: Home of Nostalgia and Clickbait

Make sure to like, subscribe and dive into a world of YouTube nostalgia.
Nina Schifano, Contributing Writer February 12, 2019

Do you remember sitting in front of your parent’s computer in third grade, refreshing the subscription page for the newest nigahiga video? Or endlessly laughing at one of Shane...