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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A recreation of the poster held by Steinhardt senior August at a recent trans rights protest. (Photo Illustration by Tony Wu and Rachel Buigas-Lopez)

Trans Students Can’t Be Defined, Despite the Memo

The recent government memo regarding how gender should be officially described proposes a strictly biological definition.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Staff Writer November 12, 2018

Sweating and panting from a rehearsal with his dance crew, Keith walked over to his bag to dig out his phone. He had a five-minute break to check if he had missed anything from...

A protest regarding transgender rights took place in Union Square Park on Friday. (Photo by Victor Porcelli)

Transgender Activists Protest Trump, Prepare to Vote

With a push to rollback Obama-era policies that had expanded transgender rights, activists are protesting Trump and looking to elect representatives that oppose the possible changes.
Victor Porcelli, Deputy News Editor November 5, 2018
With a push to rollback Obama-era policies that had expanded transgender rights, activists are protesting Trump and looking to elect representatives that oppose the possible changes.
Protesters gathered in Washington Square Park on Sunday in response to the Trump administration’s attempt to restrict transgender people from serving in the military. (Photo by Sam Klein)

Protestors Say ‘Hell No’ to the Anti-Trans Memo

Jared Peraglia, Deputy News Editor October 21, 2018
Washington Square Park rang with the voices of over a hundred protestors Sunday evening enraged with what they see as the Trump administration attempting to erase protections for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.