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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Exposure | Stay Informed, Stay Inspired

Exposure | Stay Informed, Stay Inspired

Alex Pienkowski, Contributing Writer April 15, 2018
The March For Our Lives that occurred on Saturday March 24 brought almost 200,000 people together in New York City, and hundreds of thousands more around the country and the world. I attended because I wanted to be a part of history, but mostly because I wanted to express my frustration about the fact that I don’t understand why there is even still a debate around stricter gun control. Why are there still constant mass shootings? Shouldn’t this have been resolved already? So many lives have been lost, but how is it that the adults in Congress can’t agree to value lives more than guns?
Which Lives March for Our Lives Is Missing

Which Lives March for Our Lives Is Missing

Victor Porcelli, Staff Writer March 26, 2018
Mental heath advocates are a missing but necessary voice in the fight against gun violence.
March for Our Lives in Central Park on Saturday, March 24.

Exposure | Signs of Change

Echo Chen, Multimedia Editor March 26, 2018
After attending The March for Our Lives on Saturday, it is apparent that the movement is inclusive of the intersectional aspects of gun violence.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Resistance

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Resistance

Paola Nagovitch, Deputy Opinion Editor March 5, 2018
Peaceful protests have the power to enact policy change. The Stoneman Douglas High School students are the face of gun reform in the U.S.
Leverage NYU’s Influence to Enact Gun Control

Leverage NYU’s Influence to Enact Gun Control

WSN Editorial Board March 5, 2018
As the biggest private university in the United States, NYU has the opportunity to leverage its position for good.
Ariana Grande sings along with Miley Cyrus during the One Love Manchester Benefit Concert after the terrorist explosions from her previous concert at Manchester that left several dead.

How Terrorist Attacks Affect Your Concert Experience

Megan O’Brien, Contributing Writer March 2, 2018
Less than two months into the New Year and there have been over 30 mass shootings in the United States, but the music industry is attempting to take these atrocities all in stride.
Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Dasha Zagurskaya, Contributing Writer February 26, 2018
Student walkouts will not stop mass shootings.
Bump Fire Stocks, Women Drivers and Illusory Progress

Bump Fire Stocks, Women Drivers and Illusory Progress

Theo Wayt, Contributing Writer October 16, 2017
In this turbulent time, people look everywhere for some semblance of positive progress — a sign that maybe the bad guys are not so bad after all. But both the Saudi Government and the NRA are anti-democratic groups with backward agendas.
Time to Take a Step Forward With Gun Control

Time to Take a Step Forward With Gun Control

Jacob Bass, Contributing Writer October 6, 2017
I was dumbfounded by how normative our current reality has become. Over the past decade or so, it has become an unfortunate expectation of the United States to be met by the news of yet another devastating, yet avoidable, tragedy.
In light of recent mass shootings, students might be left wondering what NYU’s mass shooting protocols are.

What Is NYU’s Emergency Protocol for Mass Shootings?

Jemima McEvoy, Deputy News Editor December 6, 2016
Recent mass shootings like the one at Ohio State University may have prompted students to wonder what the protocol would be if something were to happen at NYU.
Student protesters called for gun reform at Columbus Circle.

Student Fights Police Brutality With NO TOLERANCE Movement

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 7, 2016
NYU students led a peaceful protest that advocated for gun control and against police brutality at Columbus Circle on Saturday.
Don't Call It Flip-Flopping, Call It Dynamic Democracy

Don’t Call It Flip-Flopping, Call It Dynamic Democracy

Akshay Prabhushankar, Staff Writer April 19, 2016
We expect legislators to do the right thing no matter public opinion, yet crush them at the polls if they act against the wishes of their constituency.