New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

An illustration of a man with brown hair and a blue shirt wearing movie theater 3D glasses that say VERSUS across the lenses.

‘Free Time’ subverts any semblance of competent adulthood

I would call “Free Time” incompetence porn, but it’s not.
Liv Steinhardt, Contributing Writer April 5, 2024

Meek data analyst Drew (Colin Burgess) — determined to quit his job — stutters to his boss, “If I have to input more numbers into a little box, I-I’m going to have some...

An illustration of a man wearing a dark blue sweater and white pants leaning against the rear of a white convertible whose license plate number reads “4.T.H.W.A.L.L.”

Review: Ruel breaks the ‘4TH WALL’ with debut studio album

Ruel’s highly anticipated debut studio album touches hearts and minds with its reminders that love and loss are part of growing up and into ourselves.
Rojienne Groves, Contributing Writer March 28, 2023

I vividly remember the first time I listened to Ruel. I was 14 when my best friend sent me his sophomore EP, “Free Time.” Little did I know that almost six years later, I would...

Food Injustice, or Food Ignorance?

Food Injustice, or Food Ignorance?

Recently, there has been a push to promote gardening and cooking as methods to overcome food inequality in the United States. But these methods overlook systemic injustices.
Gabby Lozano, Staff Writer November 4, 2019

Former First Lady Michelle Obama cultivated a movement to increase access to the high-quality, nutrient-dense food necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One of her more innovative...