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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

On Friday evening, AUNTS took over the entirety Skirball for an immersive underground dance experience

Experimental Dance at Skirball

Devanshi Khetarpal, Contributing Writer September 18, 2017
AUNTS took over Skirball last Friday, Sept. 15, as several downtown artists performed in the hallways and dressing rooms.
Baayork Lee hosted and master class and a Q&A at Skirball on September 12th.

Broadway Legend Baayork Lee Visits Tisch

Ryan Mikel, Entertainment Editor September 15, 2017
Tisch Departments of Drama and Dance and Skirball Center for the Performing Arts hosted a masterclass with Broadway legend Baayork Lee.
HBO’s “The Deuce” shows the grittier side of New York City with James Franco and Maggie Gyllenhaal.

HBO’s ‘The Deuce’ Has Grit

Lily Dolin, Staff Writer September 11, 2017
HBO's new original series "The Deuce," focuses on New York in the 1970s, and the emergence of mainstream pornography films.
The much-anticipated return of "Fargo" picks up right where it left off in its Minnesotan melodrama, surpassing even the most wary of critics' expectations.

The Return to ‘Fargo’

Natalie Whalen, Entertainment Editor April 25, 2017
The newest season of "Fargo" has officially returned, and the return to Minnesota's snowy and mysterious landscape is perfectly sinister with the Coen brother's original film.
On April 19, the MCC Media Lab, a departmental media-making organization within Steinhardt, hosted its second annual showcase of projects that highlighted protests and social commentary. Shirley Ogolla, NYU graduate student, retells the stories she has heard from WIlliamsburg locals.

MCC Showcase Celebrates Maker Communities

Eliot Choi, Contributing Writer April 24, 2017
Steinhardt's Media, Culture and Communications hosted its second annual student showcase at the Media Lab last week, hosting art that gave critiques on everything from conventional beauty standards to government surveillance.
“Peder Balke: Painter of the Northern Light” is on view at the Met Fifth Avenue at 1000 Fifth Ave. through July 9.

Balke’s ‘Northern Light’ Gallery Is Honestly Magnificent

Carter Glace, Staff Writer April 20, 2017
The Met's new exhibit of paintings by Norwegian artist Peder Balke gives the vast concrete jungle of New York City a respite in dense clouds, vast spaces and incredible seascapes.
Focused on social activism, Design for America NYU works with communities and their residents to make an impact. DFA NYU strives to incite hope by joining people together in this uncertain time.

A Blueprint for Hope: Design for America NYU

Emily Conklin, Staff Writer April 18, 2017
DFA NYU is spreading their positive vibes by fostering an environment of diversity, collaboration and social change.
Les 7 Doigts performed their production, “Cuisines and Confessions,” at NYU’s Skirball Center for Performing Arts. The show was a collective, eclectic effort, combining gymnastics, dance and cooking.

The Transformative Cultural Circus of ‘Cuisine and Confessions’

Anna Levinson, Contributing Writer April 18, 2017
"Cuisine and Confessions" combined food, theater and personal narratives into a delightfully weird — and edible — performance.
Attacking stereotypes about modern youth through a barrage of musical-comedy, “Aliens Coming” is a lighthearted critical success from Tisch senior Joe Kelly.

Aliens Land at NYU in New Musical Comedy

Ryan Mikel, Staff Writer April 17, 2017
"Aliens Coming: The Musical" mades as many puns as any human can manage, and innuendos that only an extraterrestrial could come up with.
“Kneeling Archer,” Earthenware of the Qin Dynasty, 201-206 B.C.. Artifacts from the Qin and Han Dynasties of China are on display at the Metropolitan Museum as part of its “Age of Empires” exhibition.

‘Age of Empires’ Makes the Expansive Palatable

Carter Glace, Staff Writer April 13, 2017
The Met's new "Age of Empires" exhibit is not only a once-in-a-lifetime display of art and artifacts from China's Qin and Han dynasties, but an incredibly illustrative picture of the Chinese empire during a time when it coexisted with a global expanse of other great cultures.
The 69th floor of 4 World Trade Center displays murals and sculptures by over 50 different street artists. The project is  headed by curators Doug Smith, Jane Chun Smith and Joshua Geyer in collaboration with Executive in Charge of Production Robert Marcucci.

Transforming the Financial District

Eliot Choi, Contributing Writer April 10, 2017
The walls of one floor in 4 World Trade Center have been given a renovation — not by traditional interior designers, but by local street artists who have brought true New York flavor to the walls of the space.
Activism vs. Organizing and the Politics of Accountability

Activism vs. Organizing and the Politics of Accountability

Grace Halio, Editor-at-Large April 6, 2017
Take a moment and ask yourself — who is your activism helping? Does it continue to effect change after you leave the room? Are you accountable?