NYU to drop COVID-19 vaccine requirement
The university announced that, starting May 11, it will end its vaccination requirements for students and visitors.
Carmo Moniz, News Editor
• April 5, 2023

NYU COVID positivity rate more than 20x pre-omicron average
The most recent data shows an 18.29% positivity rate in COVID tests at NYU.
Alex Tey and Arnav Binaykia
• January 10, 2022

NYU sees slight rise in COVID cases as winter approaches
In the week leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday, an increase in New York City’s new reported COVID-19 cases has some students concerned about breakthrough infections.
Gabriel Hawthorne, Staff Writer
• November 22, 2021

Vaccinated pregnant people pass COVID antibodies to their babies, Langone study finds
NYU researchers hope that the study results will diminish vaccine hesitancy among pregnant people.
Lauren Ashe, Staff Writer
• November 5, 2021

Fauci talks ethics, misinformation and COVID-19 at NYU lecture
Anthony Fauci, the U.S. chief medical advisor, spoke at an NYU event about public health and ethics issues that have arisen during the pandemic. He was joined by bioethicist Christine Grady and CNN correspondent Sanjay Gupta.
Agne Tolockaite, Contributing Writer
• November 4, 2021

College Republicans talk being conservative at NYU with state GOP director
New York state GOP director Katie Bloodgood answered a wide range of questions from NYU’s College Republicans during a virtual event on Oct. 13.
Kristian Burt, Staff Writer
• October 19, 2021

Explained: COVID-19 booster shots, and who can get one
The CDC’s recent booster shot recommendation left members of the NYU community wondering who is eligible to receive an extra dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Kristian Burt, Staff Writer
• October 14, 2021

International students may be required to ‘mix’ COVID-19 vaccines, despite NYU assurances
Some international students remain hesitant to be re-vaccinated, while others see it as their only path to an in-person education and a post-pandemic college experience.
Roshni Raj, Abroad News Editor
• August 5, 2021

Facing conflicting guidance, international students struggle with NYU COVID-19 vaccine requirements
For some international students, the only vaccine available is not NYU-approved, while others live in regions with limited access to any COVID-19 vaccine.
Roshni Raj, Abroad News Editor
• July 19, 2021

Even after vaccination, some students’ concerns about COVID-19 remain
As vaccination rates throughout the state continue to increase, some students feel unsure about the safety of the city and resuming their pre-pandemic activities.
Natalie Melendez, Staff Writer
• May 4, 2021

Students vaccinated by NYU report positive, trouble-free experience
Although appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine through the university remain scarce, students who did manage to secure an appointment say the vaccination process was straightforward.
Rachel Fadem, Staff Writer
• April 28, 2021

You could be quarantined in your dorm for reporting your vaccine side effects
With no apparent university policy on post-vaccination symptoms, responding honestly to the Daily Screener could get you quarantined.
Alex Tey, Copy Chief
• April 27, 2021

Yezen Saadah, Editor-in-Chief • March 27, 2025

Sidney Snider, Sports Editor • March 22, 2025

Kiran Komanduri, Photo Editor • March 22, 2025