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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A monochromatic headshot of Molly Neuman.

Q&A: Molly Neuman, from Bratmobile drummer to Riot grrrl legend & music business innovator

WSN spoke with Molly Neuman about Bratmobile, “riot grrrl” fanzine, diversity in the music scene and the current state of reproductive rights in America.
Clara Scholl, Contributing Writer May 4, 2022

The story of riot grrrl would be incomplete without Molly Neuman and Bratmobile, an American punk band active in the ’90s. Not only did they pioneer the movement, but also...

NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU students weigh in on last night's presidential debate.
Gallatin senior Robert Clinton concentrating on Sociology and Politics of Urban Agriculture, has been awarded the prestigious Marshall Scholarship.

Q&A: Marshall Scholarship recipient discusses sustainability research

Thomas Peracchio, Staff Writer December 2, 2015
Q&A with Robert Clinton, a recipient of a 2016 Marshall Scholarship.
Cheryl Mills worked with NYU for its Abu Dhabi negotiations while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

Former Clinton chief of staff negotiated for NYUAD

Carmen Russo, Contributing Writer October 13, 2015
Cheryl D. Mills, Hilary Clinton's top aide, worked on NYU Abu Dhabi negotiations while Clinton was secretary of state.
Political dynasties will lead until voted out

Political dynasties will lead until voted out

Johnpaul Baratta, Contributing Columnist September 30, 2014
It shouldn't be a surprise to voters that the presumed frontrunners of the 2016 president election are a Clinton and a Bush - they keep the family in.
Omar's Oration: Humanism, religion can coexist at NYU

Omar’s Oration: Humanism, religion can coexist at NYU

April 22, 2014
“Of Many” is a subtle reminder that NYU’s commitment to humanism does not have to come at the expense of religious thinking.
Bronfman legacy honored at memorial

Bronfman legacy honored at memorial

January 29, 2014
Hillary Clinton joined many others in remembering Edgar M. Bronfman on Jan. 28.

Clinton, Kelly, Sexton host panel on prescription drug abuse

May 8, 2013
Former President Bill Clinton, police commissioner Ray Kelly and NYU President John Sexton host panel on prescription drug abuse.
Courtesy of Jessica Trioano

NYU trio introduce beverage company to support Colombian farmers

April 28, 2013
Three second-year Wagner graduate students were featured at the Clinton Global Initiative University and on the Colbert Report for their agriculturally sustainable tea line, UPleaft.

Kerry well-qualified to strengthen diplomacy

January 30, 2013
Though Clinton leaves a powerful legacy, Kerry is poised to solidify a powerful role in international politics.
Hillary Clinton for President 2016

Hillary Clinton for President 2016

November 28, 2012
Though she has openly stated her retirement from politics, columnist Woodruff argues why Clinton would be the best candidate for president.