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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Illustrated by Rachel Lee.

If Buildings Could Hold Memories

An ode to my freshman dorm.
Vaishnavi Naidu, Contributing Writer April 21, 2020

As I lie in bed I can’t help but look out the window At the Manhattan skyline grid that comforted me on restless nights On other nights I look at the art I’ve hung up...

Due to the increase in the number of NYU COVID-19 cases, students recently received an email regarding their dorms and belongings. While those evicted found a home for themselves, those who moved out and left their possessions are unlikely to see them shipped anytime soon. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

University Announces More COVID-19 Cases, Delays in Returning Students’ Belongings

NYU announced two dozen cases of COVID-19 within the NYU community and that students who left items in their dorm room after an abrupt move-out notice should not expect their belongings to be shipped to them in the near future.
Lisa Cochran and Emily Mason March 24, 2020

There are approximately 24 cases of COVID-19 within the NYU community as of Tuesday, March 24 — doubling the number from nearly three days ago— according to a university-wide...

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to the wildlife we have destroyed 

Rachel Lee, Under the Arch Voices Illustrator December 5, 2019

to the wildlife we have destroyed  Though your presence May have left I will try my best To keep your memory  Alive   Telling stories of  How you  Lived  in...