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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Two people smile while standing in front of a lake with snowy mountains on the horizon. On the left is a person wearing a purple hoodie with text “N.Y.U.A.D. Class of 2024.” On the right, the other person wears a pink jacket.

Passports and polyglots: Two NYU Abu Dhabi students on cheap, ethical travel

Through their Instagram account, @passportsandpolyglots, NYU Abu Dhabi juniors Colleen Mader and Xander Christou document their travels and share their tips.
Juliana Guarracino, Abroad Editor December 14, 2022

Earlier this year while backpacking through the Balkans, NYU Abu Dhabi juniors Colleen Mader and Xander Christou made two friends from Kosovo on a bus ride from North Macedonia....

A man with thick, white facial hair sits behind a table filled with cassette tapes and a radio. He looks into the camera and wears a pair of glasses, a brown vest, a white shirt and a pair of headphones.

Review: ‘Tantura’ ambitiously examines the Israeli massacre of a Palestinian village

Alon Schwarz confronts Israeli denial of the 1948 massacre of Palestinian villages in his new chilling and revealing documentary. “Tantura” is currently playing at the IFC Center. 
Yezen Saadah, Deputy News Editor December 12, 2022

Filmmaker Alon Schwarz’s newest documentary, “Tantura,” examines the Israeli massacre of the Palestinian village of Tantura during the 1948 Nakba, or “catastrophe” in...

Damascus Bread and Pastry Shop, located on 195 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, is a Syrian bakery known for its flatbreads, pastries, dips, and spreads.  This bakery has been serving its community since its opening in 1928. (Staff Photo by Gabby Lozano)

Reconnecting with my Iraqi roots at Damascus Bread & Pastry Shop

Damascus Bread & Pastry Shop in Brooklyn is a community favorite among many people of both Middle Eastern and non-Middle Eastern descent.
Gabby Lozano, Dining Editor May 3, 2021

I stumbled upon Damascus Bread & Pastry Shop last January upon my return to New York for the spring semester. My mom and I had just spent hours aimlessly walking through the...

Illustrated by Rachel Lee.

The Story of Boy

A whimsical tale about a clueless young boy who runs off to find a better life in Syria.
Jake Schick, Voices Staff Writer September 16, 2019

Illustration by Rachel Lee. Boy was depressed mainly because his mother and father had decided to name him “Boy.” As a seven-year-old, Boy ran away from home, but he only...

With liberty and justice for all

With liberty and justice for all

Zahra Haque, Staff Writer March 30, 2015
The recent controversy about the pledge of allegiance recited in Arabic at a New York high school deserves a stronger response from politicians.